This is a basic, ML logistic regression training/serving http stack using flask to deliver the api, celery and redis to train and temporarily store trained model information.
This api comes with a couple of endpoints that could be useful, and here they are:
- Endpoint description: Training a new logistic regression model. Post training data,
- Expected fields in post request:
- Content-Type = 'text/csv'
- data field contains training data in csv format with no header.
- Response Structure:
- 201 Success: {"message": "You're model is being trained right now, you can check it's status by hitting the check_task endpoint", "model_id": "some model id", "task_id": "some task id"}
- 415 Data Format wrong: Please post data in csv format, and make sure the label column is the last column in the csv.'
- Endpoint description: Making predictions with data provided in the get request. This endpoint supports both single predictions and batch predictions.
- Expected fields in post request:
- Content-Type = 'text/csv'
- data field contains training data in csv format with no header.
- Response Structure:
- 202 Accepted: {"predictions": [some class], "prediction_probability": [[some class probabilities...]]}
- 200 Model Still Training: "Model is Training"
- 404 Model not Found: "The model id you supplied either doesn't exist or the model_id provided is wrong."
- 415 Data Format wrong: Please post data in csv format, and make sure the label column is the last column in the csv.'
- Endpoint Description: Check the status of your model using the model id provided in the training endpoint response.
- Response Structure:
- 200 Model Exists: Response will either be "Model is Training" or "Ready to Use", depending on the state of the model.
- 404 Model not found: "The model id you supplied either doesn't exist or the model_id provided is wrong."
If you'd like to run this locally, you can! First, create a new python virtual env using python 3.6. Then pip install requirements.txt
to get all your dependencies installed. Then cd into the ml_api folder.
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
check with redis-cli ping
. If you get a "PONG" back, your redis is up and ready to go.
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
gunicorn --bind --workers 1 app:app
Docker makes it a little easier to run the full app environment anywhere. If you want to run the app on Docker, cd into api_ml and make sure you have docker and docker compose installed. Then run
docker-compose up -d --build
You'll be able to hit the endpoints at localhost:5000.
Set a post request to http://localhost:5000/models. Set content-type in headers to 'text/csv'. In the body, click on raw and set the data type to text. You can copy and paste the csv input here. Then push send and watch the magic.
Somehow, postman doesn't allow you to attach a body to a get request. It's okay, you can do it programmatically in your favorite programmatic method. If you're running locally, you can hit the endpoints with localhost:5000.
If you're running with docker, things can get a bit complicated. If you have ::1 localhost
in your /etc/hosts file, then you can also curl or programmatically hit localhost:5000. If not, it's okay, you can hit [::1]:5000.
Here's an example of a python line which will send a get request to [::1]:5000.
import requests
model = 'model_20181025-132027' #enter a model id here that you know exists
response = requests.get('http://[::1]:5000/models/%s' % (model), headers = {'Content-Type':'text/csv'}, data = '6.9,3.1,5.1,2.3')
An example of training from python
import requests
import json
with open('iris.csv', 'r') as myfile:
data =
response ='http://localhost:5000/models' % (model), headers = {'Content-Type':'text/csv'}, data = data)
If you are in the ml_api folder, you can run:
python -m unittest discover