Add $unique parameter to function signatures.
Add a cast-to-int for extra safety before forming new DateTime object.
Add a hook allowing exceptions for consistently failing recurring actions.
Add action priorities.
Add init hook.
Always raise the time limit.
Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.0.8.
Bump yaml from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2.
Defensive coding relating to gaps in declared schedule types.
Do not process an action if it cannot be set to in-progress
Filter view labels (status names) should be translatable | #919 .
Fix WPCLI progress messages.
Improve data-store initialization flow.
Improve error handling across all supported PHP versions.
Improve logic for flushing the runtime cache.
Support exclusion of multiple groups.
Update lint-staged and Node/NPM requirements.
add CLI clean command.
add CLI exclude-group filter.
exclude past-due from list table all filter count.
throwing an exception if as_schedule_recurring_action interval param is not of type integer.
You can’t perform that action at this time.