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MFW Ionic Deep Links v1.0.4

This AngularJS module provides a way to associate app screens to URLs as part of Mobile FrameWork (MFW) for Ionic applications.

This module relies on ionic-plugin-deeplinks plugin.

ngCordova and Ionic Native

JavaScript code of IonicDeeplink is used as plain JS module instead of the $cordovaDeeplinks AngularJS service.

That's because it's not part of commonly used ngCordova project. It's defined in a drop-in replacement project named ionic-native.

Setting ionic.native AngularJS module as a requirement may collide with projects using ngCordova because all service names are the same.


Deep linking is a way of relating external URLs to parts of your application.

This Ionic blog entry describes deep links integration using Ionic.


This module lets you link your Ionic app in several ways:

Important: Universal/App links require your server side to enable deep links for your app. Read platform-specific links above.

UI Router integration

You can define your ui.router states as usual and define an associated deep link in several easy ways:

  • Define a deepLink property inside data object:
    • Use current state URL (computed state hierarchy URL) as deep link URL
    • Define a new explicit URL
  • Use $mfwiLinksProvider.addRoute(*, string) method.



This module requires the following Cordova plugins:

Via Bower

Get module from Bower registry.

$ bower install --save mfw-deep-links-ionic


Download source files and include them into your project sources.


Once dependency has been downloaded, configure your application module(s) to require:

  • mfw-ionic.inapp-browser module: provider and service to register for push notifications.
    .module('your-module', [
        // Your other dependencies

Now you can inject $mwfiLinksProvider provider.

For further documentation, please read the generated ngDocs documentation inside docs/ folder.



Declarative configuration

Configure in your state definitions.


configRoutes.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function configRoutes(&stateProvider) {
            name: 'settings',
            url: '/settings',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /settings
                deepLink: true
            name: 'settings.language',
            url: '/language',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /customer/language
                deepLink: '/customer/language'
            name: 'settings.section2',
            url: '/section2',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /settings/section2
                deepLink: ['$log', '$match', function ($log, $match) {
                    $log.log('Match found', $match);
            name: 'section3',
            url: '/section3',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /section3
                deepLink: function ($log, $match) {
                    $log.log('Match found', $match);
            name: 'section4',
            url: '/section4',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /section4
                deepLink: {
                    // Special key: It will access state 'settings' and then it will load this state
                    uiRouterParent: 'settings',
                    param1: 'value1',
                    param2: 'value2'
            name: 'section5',
            url: '/section5',
            data: {
                // deep link URL: /settings/section5
                deepLink: {
                    param1: 'value1',
                    param2: 'value2',
                    callback: function ($match) {

Imperative configuration

Use $mfwiLinksProvider.config(options) and $mfwiLinksProvider.addRoute(routeDef, callback) methods.


configDeepLinks.$inject = ['$mfwiLinksProvider'];
function configDeepLinks($mfwiLinksProvider) {
            // All registered routes (imperative and declarative) will be prepended with this prefix
            routesPrefix: '/app',
            // Milliseconds of delay between loading parent state and the matched one
            nestedStatesDelay: 700,
            // Callback executed for each match
            matchCallback: ['$log', '$match', function ($log, $match) {
                $log.log('Match found', $match);
            // Callback executed for each non match
            nomatchCallback: ['$log', '$match', function ($log, $match) {
                $log.log('No match found', $match);
        .addRoute('/more', 'app.more-features')
        .addRoute('/hi/:name', ['$log', '$match', function ($log, $match) {
            $log.log('>>> DL: Hi ' + $match.$;
        .addRoute('/help', ['$timeout', '$log', '$state', '$match', 'helpService', function ($timeout, $log, $state, $match, helpService) {
            $log.log('>>>Received match', $match);
            if (!$state.current) {
            $timeout(function () {
            }, 100);

For further documentation, please read the generated ngDocs documentation inside docs/ folder.


In order to enable your application to handle Universal/App links, you must include your application in the list of allowed apps.

You'll find further information in Apple's documentation for Universal links and Google's documentation for App links.

Apple Universal links

Assuming your application bundleID with team prefix is, update the apple-app-site-association with your app link:

  "appID": "",
  "paths": [/* URL path */]

Here's an example of apple-app-site-association file:

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [],
    "details": [
        "appID": "",
        "paths": ["/your-path/*"]

Remember this file must be accessible from public URL: https://your-domain/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

Important: this link may help you if Universal links do not work: Debugging universal links.

Google App links

Assuming your application package name is, update the assetlinks.json with your app link:

  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "android_app",
    "package_name": "",
    "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [/* App fingerprint */]

Here's an example of assetlinks.json file:

    "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
    "target": {
      "namespace": "android_app",
      "package_name": "",
      "sha256_cert_fingerprints": ["0A:00:7A:D8:BF:C9:04:9D:AA:33:00:C9:65:2C:95:E0:41:0C:F5:31:9E:26:8C:18:14:A7:CB:E1:64:7D:71:76"]

Remember this file must be accessible from public URL: https://your-domain/.well-known/assetlinks.json


  • Use Gitflow
  • Update package.json version
  • Tag Git with same version numbers as NPM
  • Check for valid ngDocs output inside docs/ folder

Important: Run npm install before anything. This will install NPM and Bower dependencies.

Important: Run npm run deliver before committing anything. This will build documentation and distribution files. It's a shortcut for running both build and docs scripts.

NPM commands

  • Bower: install Bower dependencies in bower_components/ folder:
$ npm run bower
  • Build: build distributable binaries in dist/ folder:
$ npm run build
  • Documentation: generate user documentation (using ngDocs):
$ npm run docs
  • Linting: run linter (currently JSHint):
$ npm run lint
  • Deliver: run it before committing to Git. It's a shortcut for build and docs scripts:
$ npm run deliver