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Contains details of our indoor map format & API + a tutorial to help you get started.


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WRLD Indoor Map REST API v1.0.0

This repository contains details of the Open CC-BY-4.0 WRLD Indoor Map Format & API.

Quick Start

Get started creating 3D indoor maps with the

  • - a worked example showing how to go from a floor plan to a 3D map
  • - a description of the Open GeoJSON-based WRLD Indoor Map Format
  • Full Indoor Map API Specification - a description of the REST API for submitting maps in the WRLD Indoor Map Format
  • examples/ - a folder containing example indoor maps in the WRLD Indoor Map Format, including the correct directory structure to use when submitting indoor maps.
  • - tips for solving common problems

Full Indoor Map API Specification

Indoor Maps

Claim the location for which you will upload a new indoor map:

$ curl -v -XPOST<dev_auth_token> -F name="<venue_name>" -F venue_street_address="<address>" -F venue_phone_number="<phone no.>" -F venue_email="<email address>" -F submission_contact_email="<email address for notifications>" -F venue_outline="@</path/to/my/file>"

This will return a UUID string which can be used to identify the indoor map edit and query its status.

The supplied outline is a GeoJSON file containing one or more polygons in the default Coordinate Reference System. This can be created via QGIS, using online editors such as or with any other GIS software capable of exporting to GeoJSON.

When you come to upload your indoor map, your edits will be checked against the GeoJSON submitted during this claim request, so please make sure the submitted polygons fully cover the regions you want to edit, but only intersect those buildings which form part of your indoor map.

Query the status of an indoor map edit:

$ curl -v<UUID>/status?token=<dev_auth_token>

Upload a file against a new indoor map edit:

$ curl -v -XPUT<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -F comment="<my venue comment>" -F file="@</path/to/my/file>"

This submits the map for processing, so the referenced file should contain the full detail that the user wants to see in the client. The response will contain a build_id string which can be used to identify this version of the indoor map.

Query an indoor map version

$ curl -v<UUID>/versions/<build_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Query all indoor map versions for a specified indoor map

$ curl -v<UUID>/versions/?token=<dev_auth_token>

Download the submission file for a specified version of the indoor map

$ curl -v<UUID>/versions/<build_id>/submission?token=<dev_auth_token> >

Query an indoor map edit:

$ curl -v<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Query all indoor map edits made by a developer

$ curl -v<dev_auth_token>

Download the claim outline for an indoor map

$ curl -v<UUID>/claim?token=<dev_auth_token> > claim.geojson

Update the claim outline for an indoor map

$ curl -v -XPUT<UUID>/claim?token=<dev_auth_token> -F venue_outline="@</path/to/my/file>"

Delete an indoor map edit:

$ curl -v -XDELETE<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Update indoor data privacy setting

curl -v -X PUT<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{"private":<true|false>}'

Give an API key access to a private indoors

curl -v -X POST<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{"apikey":"<api_key>"}'

Remove an API key access to a private indoors

curl -v -X DELETE<UUID>/<api_key>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Update indoor data referer privacy setting

curl -v -X PUT<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{"referer_private":<true|false>}'

Give a referer access to a private indoors

curl -v -X POST<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{"referer":"<referer_url>"}'

Valid URL Formats

  • Domain:
  • Protocol and domain:
  • Subdomain:
  • Protocol and subdomain:

Remove a referer's access to a private indoors

curl -v -X DELETE<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token>&referer=<referer_url>

Add custom user data

curl -v -X PUT<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{"user_data":{"<key>":"<value>"}}'

Generate POI set from interior map

curl -v -XPOST<UUID>?token=<dev_auth_token> -F feature_to_poi_key="@</path/to/my/file>" -F "contact_email=<>"

Details for feature-to-poi key:

  • defaults: Which interior feature types should have POIs generated, and what tag should be used to represent them.
  • special: Which interior IDs should have POIs generated, and what tag should be used to represent them.
  • highlight_color: What colour and opacity should be used for area highlights, where features have highlight set.
  "defaults": {
    "interior feature type": "point of interest tag",
    "interior feature type": "point of interest tag",
    "interior feature type": "point of interest tag"
  "special": {
    "point of interest tag": ["feature ID", "feature ID", "feature ID"],
    "point of interest tag": ["feature ID", "feature ID", "feature ID"],
    "point of interest tag": ["feature ID", "feature ID", "feature ID"]
  "highlight_color": {
    "red": "0-255 red value",
    "green": "0-255 green value",
    "blue": "0-255 blue value",
    "opacity": "0-255 opacity value"

Sample feature-to-poi key:

  "defaults": {
    "room": "cocktail",
    "highlight": "hospital"
  "special": {
    "entertainment":[318, 21, 400],
    "camping":[21, 52]
  "highlight_color": {

Indoor Assets

Asset Sets

Indoor Assets and Asset Sets describe the queryable contents of an indoor map floor. An Asset Set can be added to an indoor map that you have access to.

Indoor Entity Sets have a status parameter that can be either 0 or 1, which corresponds to staged or live respectively. There can be only one published set, which is immutable. Publishing a set will create a live copy of the current set, overwriting an existing published set.

Status Meaning Description
0 staged Visible to API service but not visible to client, i.e. not automatically shown in the indoor map.
1 live Shown in the Indoor Map on every client, also available to the API service. The published set is immutable.

Create a new Indoor Asset set for a given Indoor Map and Floor

curl -v -XPOST<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/?token=<dev_auth_token> -F "name=<set_name>"
Parameter Description
name The name of your entity set.
indoor_uuid The Indoor UUID the entity set belongs to.
floor_id The integer floor id of the floor the entity set should appear on.

Get an Indoor Asset Set

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>?token=<dev_auth_token> 

Get Indoor Asset Sets in a floor

You can fetch all asset sets associated by a dev token for a given indoor map floor:

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/?token=<dev_auth_token>

Rename an Indoor Asset Set

curl -v -X PUT<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>?token=<dev_auth_token> -F "name=<updated_name>"

Delete an Indoor Asset Set

curl -v -X DELETE<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Getting all the Assets in a set


curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities/?token=<dev_auth_token>


curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities.geojson?token=<dev_auth_token>

Download an Indoor Asset Set as a GeoJSON

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities.geojson?token=<dev_auth_token> > ./entities.geojson

Publish an Indoor Asset Set

This will delete the currently published entity set, create a copy of the specified entity set called "Published Set" and set its status to 1 ('live'):

curl -v -XPOST<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/publish?token=<dev_auth_token>

For more information on publishing an Indoor Asset Set, see the Indoor Assets Tutorial.


Indoor Assets can be added to a set you have access to. They describe something like a desk with a given model and rotation, and can have an associated user_data for use with third party data services.

Get an Indoor Asset

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities/<entity_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Add a new Indoor Asset

curl -v -X POST<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities/?token=<dev_auth_token> -F "name=<asset_name>" -F "lat=<lat>" -F "lon=<lon>" -F "orientation=<orientation_in_degrees>" -F "model=<model_id>" -F "user_data=<user_data>"
Parameter Required Description
name Yes The name of your asset.
lat Yes Latitude coordinate of your asset (-90 < x < 90).
lon Yes Longitude coordinate of your asset (-180 < x < 180).
orientation Yes The orientation of the asset in degrees, where 0.0 is aligned 'North'.
model Yes The 3D model id to use for this asset. Should match a prop_id from our prop manifest.
user_data No An arbitrary data payload. Any valid json value is accepted (e.g. 1, "1", {"id": 1}).
height_offset No Optional vertical offset from the ground in meters.

Update an Indoor Asset

curl -v -X PUT<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities/<entity_id>?token=<dev_auth_token> -F "name=<updated_name>" -F "orientation=<orientation_in_degrees>"

All parameters are optional.

Remove an Indoor Asset

curl -v -X DELETE<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/entities/<entity_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>

Bulk process Indoor Assets

Similar to the POI API you can perform bulk operations that can create, update or delete existing entities in a set.

curl -v -X POST<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entity-sets/<set_id>/bulk?token=<dev_auth_token> -d '{
        {"name":"new", "lat":11.1, "lon":22.2, "orientation":45.0, "model":"circular_table_01"},
        {"name":"new2", "lat":33.3, "lon":44.4, "orientation":22.5, "model":"circular_table_01"}
        {"id":5, "name":"updated_name"}

Getting all the Indoor Assets from a floor

You can also fetch all the assets for a given floor you have access to. Using a dev token will show both Live and Staged sets you have access to:

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entities.json?token=<dev_auth_token>

Using an API key instead of a dev token will only show you the Live assets you have access to:

curl -v<indoor_uuid>/<floor_id>/entities.json?apikey=<apikey_with_access_to_indoor_map>

You can also change the extension to .hcff to retrieve a chunk file of the same data, or .geojson to download the assets + the floor trace json combined.

Importing Asset Sets

For more information on how to prepare an Indoor Asset AutoCAD DXF submission, refer to the Indoor Assets Tutorial.

Import an Indoor Asset Set from an AutoCAD DXF

curl -v -XPOST "<indoor_map_uuid>/<floor_id>/cad_conversions?token=<dev_auth_token>" -F 'file=@<path/to/>' -F 'submission_contact_email=<optional_email_address>'

Fetching the status of an Import Request

Calling the above endpoint submits a file to be processed by our pipeline that takes a short time to complete. If you specified an email address, you will be mailed the result (success or failure) to that address upon completion. If not you can fetch the current status via:

curl -v "<indoor_map_uuid>/<floor_id>/cad_conversions/<job_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>"

The status parameter has the following values:

Status Value Description
Waiting 0 The conversion job is waiting in a queue to process.
Working 1 The conversion job is currently being processed.
Failed 2 The conversion job has failed to process.
Success 3 The conversion job has succeeded.

Fetching the GeoJSON result of an Import Request

curl -v "<indoor_map_uuid>/<floor_id>/cad_conversions/<job_id>/result.geojson?token=<dev_auth_token>"

Getting more details on an Import Request Success or Failure

To fetch some additional information such as Warnings or Failures on a completed import request, you can call the following:

curl -v "<indoor_map_uuid>/<floor_id>/cad_conversions/<job_id>/report.json?token=<dev_auth_token>"

Cancelling an Import Request

curl -v -XDELETE<indoor_map_uuid>/<floor_id>/cad_conversions/<job_id>?token=<dev_auth_token>


The WRLD Indoor Map data format is an open format released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. See the file for details.


This is a stable, semantically versioned API.

WRLD may make changes to the API from time to time but will adhere to Semantic Versioning and provide backward compatible end points for as long as possible.

Contact us

If you have any problems or queries please raise an issue.


Contains details of our indoor map format & API + a tutorial to help you get started.







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