deprecated! DO NOT use it.
Extends classes as perfect as possible for ES3(JavaScript 1.5)
Extends function-class to function-class, object-class to function-class, object-class to class-object.
Based on dynamic prototype, function-class extension supports to instanceof
parent class type and child class type.
Implements by prototype boxing, object-class can inherits from another object.
Download js file(releases page) and add it to your project requirement manually.
Supports AMD / CMD / CommonJS / NodeJS / window global object.
function-class to function-class
var extendsClass = require('..../extends-class.js'); var ParentClass = function (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; var ChildClass1Definition = function (x, y) { }; ChildClass1Definition.prototype = { print: function () { console.log(this.x + ',' + this.y) } }; var ChildClass1 = extendsClass(ParentClass, ChildClass1Definition); var ChildClass2Definition = function (x, y) { this.$$reconstruct('x', 'y'); this.a = a; this.b =b; }; ChildClass2Definition.prototype = { print: function () { this.$$parent.print.apply(this, arguments); console.log(this.a + ',' + this.b); } }; var ChildClass2 = extendsClass(ChildClass1, ChildClass2Definition); var obj ='a', 'b'); assert.ok(obj instanceof ChildClass2); assert.ok(obj instanceof ChildClass1); assert.ok(obj instanceof ParentClass); assert.ok(obj.constructor === ChildClass2); assert.ok(obj.$$parent.constructor == ChildClass1); assert.ok(obj.$$parent.$$parent.constructor === ParentClass);
object-class to object-class
var extendsClass = require('..../extends-class.js'); var parent = { p: 1 }; var child = extendsClass(parent, { c: 2 }); assert.ok(child.c === 2); assert.ok(child.p === 1); parent.x = 666; assert.ok(child.x === 666); child.y = 1024; assert.ok(parent.y === undefined);
object-class to object-class
var extendsClass = require('..../extends-class.js'); var parent = { p: 1 }; var ChildClass = extendsClass(parent, function () { this.c = 2; }); var obj = new ChildClass(); assert.ok(obj.c === 2); assert.ok(obj.p === 1); parent.x = 666; assert.ok(obj.x === 666);
external API
function extendsClass (parentType, childType) { = function() { // for function-class to class, `new operator` is not allowed, uses instead of `new` function. // for others pattern, new function works fine. return instanceObject; } return newType; // [Object|Function] } extendsClass.isWrappedClass = function (type) { return true | false; }; extendsClass.isWrappedObject = function (obj) { return true | false; }; extendsClass.isParentClass = function (type, parentClass) { return true | false; }; extendsClass.isChildClass = function (type, childClass) { return true | false; }; extendsClass.isInstanceOf = function (obj, type) { return true | false; };
instance API
] references to parent instancethis.$$reconstruct
] apply parent's constructor in current type's constructorthis.$$isReconstructing
] indicates invoking constructor context is default constructor's context or reconstruct's context
JavaScript type API
references to current Typethis.constructor.prototype
references to current Type's prototypethis.$$parent.constructor
references to parent's Typethis.$$parent.constructor.prototype
references to parent Type's prototype
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npm run build
npm run test
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