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Installation from Source

Vincent Chernin edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 66 revisions

Installation from Source

All commands on this page, unless otherwise specified, are expected to be run as an unprivileged user (not root). Whenever root privileges are necessary, sudo will be used. If sudo is unavailable you may become root using su -, at which point you may execute any command as the root user. Use exit to become a normal user again.

Distribution Specifics

Arch Linux

Arch Linux includes a package and PKGBUILD in Community Repository.

Run sudo pacman -S easyeffects to install binary package.


sudo dnf builddep easyeffects

GNOME Builder

You can clone the repository, and then easily test builds with GNOME Builder's "build" and "run" buttons. It is recommended to install GNOME Builder from Flathub.

Note many Plugins do not currently work when running GNOME Builder Flatpak builds due to GNOME Builder limitations/use of Flatpak runtime extensions. To workaround this issue, follow the below instructions to install with flatpak-builder manually.


If you need to fully install a Flatpak for testing, and/or want the plugins to fully work, you can build it without GNOME Builder. Instead you can use flatpak-builder directly.

Ensure flatpak and flatpak-builder are installed and available on your system. If it is not installed, you can find detailed installation instructions at

First ensure the flathub repo is added to your user flatpak installation:

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub

Within this repo:

flatpak-builder build-dir --install-deps-from=flathub --user --install util/flatpak/com.github.wwmm.easyeffects.Devel.json --force-clean --ccache

Important: To use Linux Studio Plugins, Zam Plugins, and MDA Plugins you will have to install the Flatpak plugin packages separately. They are available from Flathub, and are automatically installed when installing the stable Flathub package.

flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.Calf//23.08 org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.LSP//23.08 org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.ZamPlugins//23.08 org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.MDA//23.08

You can run the build with:

flatpak run com.github.wwmm.easyeffects.Devel

You can remove the Flatpak build and its configurations with:

flatpak remove com.github.wwmm.easyeffects.Devel --delete-data

Note the canonical copy of the Flatpak manifest is kept at The downstream repo contains a slighly modified copy of part of the manifest (needed due to Flathub requiring the manifest in the root directory).


Clone the git repository.

git clone
cd easyeffects

Optional: Select a release

Substitute v6.2.0 with the latest release.

git checkout v6.2.0

Build & Install

meson _build --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C _build install

Note: *If you get the error: wrong parameters to Project(), minimum project name and one language is required you need a newer version of Meson. If one is not provided by your distribution you may install a newer one with pip3.

sudo pip3 install meson

See the official instructions for getting meson for more information.

Installing into a specific directory

This is useful if you are creating a package for a distribution. Substitute $pkgdir with a directory into which you wish to install the files.

meson _build --prefix=/usr
env DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C _build install

If your distribution of choice provides a package you will have to remember to remove all the files you just added or it could cause conflicts with the package manager. To avoid this headache you can run EasyEffects without installing it on the system or build in the temp folder:

meson _build --prefix=/tmp/pe
cd _build
ninja install

Build and run without installing

Compile Schemas & Make Executable

Inside Easyeffects source code folder run the commands below. They will compile the glib schemas and generate EasyEffects executable:

glib-compile-schemas data/schemas
meson _build
cd _build

Run EasyEffects from build directory

You can now run EasyEffects directly from the build directory:

GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=data/schemas ./_build/src/easyeffects