A lightweight project for classification problem and bag of tricks are employed for better performance
Weinong Wang, weinong.wang@hotmail.com
2019.07.15 add OHEM and Mixup methods
2019.06.06 add warm up method of lr
2019.05.28 add reduced-resnet and different optimizers for cifar and fashionminist dtatset
2019.05.11 add support for cifar and fashionmnist dataset
Training and Testing on Python3.5
pytorch = 0.4.0
- MINC-2500 is a patch classification dataset with 2500 samples per category. This is a subset of MINC where samples have been sized to 362 x 362 and each category is sampled evenly. Error rate and five fold cross validation are employed for evaluating. Based on resnet50, we can achieve a comparable result with state-od-the-arts.
train1-vali1 | train1-test1 | train2-vali2 | train2-test2 | train3-vali3 | train3-test3 | train4-vali4 | train4-test4 | train5-vali5 | train5-test5 | Average | |
Deep-TEN | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 19.4% |
ours | 19.0% | 19.0% | 19.0% | 19.0% | 19.0% | 18.0% | 19.0% | 19.0% | 20.0% | 19.0% | 19.0% |
- CIFAR100. In this experiment, we choose the reduced-resnet as our backbone network(you can choose yours).
Models | Base | +RE | +Mixup | |
RE | ResNet-20 | 30.84% | 29.87% | - |
ours | ResNet-20 | 29.85% | 28.61% | 27.7% |
- More dataset coming soon ......
- Basic data augmentation methods
- horizontal/vertical flip
- random rot (90)
- color jitter
- random erasing
- test augmentation
- lighting noise
- mixup
- Multiple backbones
- Resnet
- Desnsenet
- Reduced-resnet
- Other methods
- Focal loss
- Label smooth
- Combining global max pooling and global average pooling
- Orthgonal center loss based on subspace masking
- Learning rate warmup
- OHEM(online hard example mining)
- MINC-2500. The data structure is following the Materials in Context Database (MINC)
- data/minc-2500
- images
- labels
- CIFAR100. The data would be automaticly downloaded to the folder: "./data"
- MINC-2500
python experiments/recognition/main.py - -dataset minc - -loss CrossEntropyLoss - -nclass 23 - -backbone resnet50 - -checkname test - -ocsm
- CIFAR100
python experiments/recognition/main.py - -backbone resnet_reduce - -res_reduce_depth 20 - -solver_type SGD - -lr-step 200,300 - -dataset cifar100 - -lr 0.1 - -epochs 375 - -batch-size 384 - -mixup
Note: (- -lr-step 200,300) indicates that leanrning rate is decayed by 10 at 200-th and 300-th epoch; (- -lr-step 200,) indicates that learning rate is decayed by 10 evary 200 epochs. (- - batch-size 384 - -ohem 192) indicates choosing 192 hard examples from 384 instances.
- MINC-2500. For example:
python experiments/recognition/main.py - -dataset minc - -nclass 23 - -backbone resnet18 - -test-batch-size 128 - -eval --resume experiments/recognition/runs/minc/deepten/09-3/*.pth
- CIFAR100. For example:
python experiments/recognition/main.py - -backbone resnet_reduce - -res_reduce_depth 20 - -dataset cifar100 - -test-batch-size 128 - -eval --resume experiments/recognition/runs/cifar100/deepten/0/*.pth