An image operation and filter tool depends on Pillow, just for study and communication.
- Python3
- Numpy
- Pillow
Show Help
python -h
List filters
python -l
Filter image
python -f grey -i images/test.jpg -o images/
Some filters need parameters
python -f gaussian_blur -i images/test.jpg -o images/ -a radius=3
Resize image (thumbnail)
python -i images/test.jpg -o out.jpg -f rgb --width=300 --height=300
Add water mark image
python -i images/test.jpg -o images/img_mark.jpg -f rgb -m images/water_mark.png -p RT
Add water mark text
python -i images/test.jpg -o images/txt_mark.jpg -f rgb -x wwtg99 --font-size=40 --font-color=100,100,100,200
- rgb: RGB image
- rgba: RGBA image
- grey: Gray scale
- hand_drawn: Hand drawn
- edge_curve: Find edges
- blur: Blur
- contour: Contour
- edge_enhance: Enhance edge
- more: More enhancement
- emboss: Emboss
- smooth: Smooth
- more: More smooth
- sharpen: Sharpen
- gaussian_blur: Gaussian blur
- radius: Blur radius
- min: Picks the lowest pixel value in a window with the given size
- size: 3 or 5, default 3
- median: Picks the median pixel value in a window with the given size
- size: 3 or 5, default 3
- max: Picks the largest pixel value in a window with the given size
- size: 3 or 5, default 3
- mode: Picks the most frequent pixel value in a box with the given size. Pixel values that occur only once or twice are ignored; if no pixel value occurs more than twice, the original pixel value is preserved
- size: 3 or 5, default 3
- unsharp_mask: Unsharp mask
- radius: Blur Radius, default 2
- percent: Unsharp strength, in percent, default 150
- threshold: Threshold controls the minimum brightness change that will be sharpened, default 3
- emboss_45d: Emboss from 45 degree
- sharp_edge: sharp edge
- sharp_center: sharp center
- emboss_asym: Asymmetric emboss
Origin 原图
Grayscale 灰度图
Hand drawn 手绘图
Find edges 边缘线
Blur 模糊
Contour 描边
Edge Enhance 边缘强化
Emboss 浮雕
Smooth 平滑
Sharpen 锐化
Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊
Min Filter
Median Filter
Max Filter
Mode Filter
Unsharp Mask 锐化遮罩
Emboss 45d 45 度浮雕
Sharp Edge 边缘锐化
Sharp Center 中心锐化
Emboss Asymmetric 非对称浮雕
Image water mark 图片水印
Text water mark 文字水印