A tool that write log to local and format logcat's display.
You use this for saving app's log, include crash log.
In your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.wxcchdStar:LLogger:v1.3.0'
In your Application
L.Builder builder = new L.Builder();
In your class:
L.d("message1", "message2", 3);
-keep public class wxc.android.logwriter.L { *; }
- If the sdcard exists, the log path is /Android/data/#{package_name}/log/log.txt**.
- If the sdcard doesn't exists, the log path is /data/data/#{package_name}/files/#{package_name}/log.txt.
- It save recently 8 days's log at most.