Beats is a discord Music bot written in python. It uses Lavalink to play audios also there is no need to run lavalink server in your machine while using this bot as it uses a free lavalink server to stream audios :).
Any support is highly appreciated.
Required | Used | |
Python | Python 3.6+ | Python 3.8.9 |
Lavalink | 3.0+ | 3.1.4 | | 1.5+ | 1.7.1 |
You need to be inside the repo folder to do this.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Once done installing libraries create token.0, spotipy_client_id.0, spotipy_client_secret.0 files or directly put the token in and spotipy credentials in music cog.
Once all this is done the bot is ready to go.
Type in cmd:
and voila done.
The default prefix of the bot is : +