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XAYA ID (XID) is an application built on the XAYA platform, that turns each XAYA name into a secure digital identity similar to NameID.

These identities are meant to be used inside the XAYA ecosystem, e.g. on chat systems or market places in XAYA games. They can, however, be used by any other application as well. For instance, websites can enable "login with XAYA" to use secure, password-less authentication. Or messaging systems can use XAYA identities for the secure exchange of key fingerprints for end-to-end encryption.


From a high-level point of view, XID allows owners of XAYA names to associate metadata to their names, that everyone else can read. Due to how XAYA works, only the owners of names are able to modify the data (through the keys in their wallets). This ensures that the data can be trusted by everyone.

There are two types of data that can be associated with names at the moment:

  • Signer addresses can be used to enable authentication within applications. These are ordinary XAYA addresses from the user's wallet; to authenticate with an application, their associated private key is used to sign a specific message. A name can have multiple registered signers, for instance for XAYA wallets on different devices. Certain addresses can be either global signers (valid generally for all applications), or they can be set specifically for certain applications.

  • Crypto addresses in general (i.e. for other coins or tokens), so that assets can be sent on another blockchain to a XAYA name.

We also plan to support this in the future:

  • Fingerprints of encryption keys can be associated to names as well. This allows the secure and trusted exchange of keys, e.g. for signed emails (GPG) or messaging (OTR).

Technical Details

More details can be found in specific documents:

  • XID game: Details about the game state and move format for XID as game on the XAYA platform.
  • RPC interface: The JSON format for game states and the RPC interface of the XID daemon.
  • REST interface: The simple REST API that the XID daemon can optionally expose.
  • Light mode: How XID can be run in a "light mode", which is just enough to support generating auth credentials and works without the need to run a local Xaya Core.
  • Authentication: How the authentication protocol with a signer key works.