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####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Limitations
  7. Development


A module that takes care of the installation and configuration regarding XL Release by Xebialabs

##Module Description This Module is geared toward the installation and configuration of Xebialabs XL-Release. It will take care of the installation of xl-release on linux based systems as well as doing a lot of the standard configuration required to setup a production ready instance of xl-release.


###Setup Requirements

This module requires the following:

  • pluginsync enabled
  • module puppetlabs-stdlib installed
  • module puppetlabs-concat installed

###Beginning with [puppet-xlrelease]


###basic installation

    install_java => true,
    install_type: 'download'
    xlr_download_user: '<your download user>'
    xlr_download_password: '<your download password'
    xlr_licsource: ''

this will install a basic instance of xl-release at /opt/xl-release/xl-release-server which will respond on port 5516.

###ldap configuration class { 'xlrelease': install_java => true, install_type => 'download', xlr_download_user => '', xlr_download_password => '', xlr_custom_license_source => '', ldap_server_url => 'ldap://localhost:1389/', ldap_manager_dn => 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com', ldap_manager_password => 'secret', ldap_user_search_base => 'dc=example,dc=com', ldap_user_search_filter => '(&(uid={0})(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))', ldap_group_search_base => 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com', ldap_group_search_filter => '(memberUid={0})', }

###adding configuration adding a xl-deploy server to the configuration

     properties => { 'url' => 'http://your.xld.instance:4516/<context_root>',
                     'username' => 'your xld user',
                     'password' => 'your xld password' 

adding a jenkins server to the configuration

    type => 'jenkins.Server',
    properties => { username: "jenkins user name"
                    title: "title in xlr"
                    proxyHost: <optional proxy host .. null for no proxy>
                    proxyPort: <optional proxy port .. null for no port>
                    password: "jenkins user password"
                    url: 'http://your_jenkins_host_goes_here:and_the_port_here'

adding a git repo to the configuration

    type => 'git.Repository',
    properties => { username: "git user name"
                    title: "title in xlr"
                    password: "git user password"
                    url: ''

adding a xl-deploy server to the configuration from a different system using puppet this code could be used in a manifest when installing a xl-deploy server using puppet

         properties => { 'url' => "http://${fqdn}:4516/<context_root>",
                         'username' => 'your xld user',
                         'password' => 'your xld password' 
         rest_url => '<something>'

adding a jenkins server to the configuration from a different system using puppet this code could be used in a manifest when installing a jenkins server using puppet

    type => 'jenkins.Server',
    rest_url => '<something>',
    properties => { username: "jenkins user name"
                    title: "title in xlr"
                    proxyHost: <optional proxy host .. null for no proxy>
                    proxyPort: <optional proxy port .. null for no port>
                    password: "jenkins user password"
                    url: 'http://your_jenkins_host_goes_here:and_the_port_here'

adding a git repo to the configuration form a different system using puppet

    type => 'git.Repository',
    rest_url => '<something>',
    properties => { username: "git user name"
                    title: "title in xlr"
                    password: "git user password"
                    url: ''

###using hiera

basic installation

  xlrelease::install_java: true 
  xlrelease::install_type: 'download'
  xlrelease::xlr_download_user: 'get one'
  xlrelease::xlr_download_password: 'not telling you that'
  xlrelease::xlr_licsource: ''

adding a xl-deploy server to the configuration the module commes equiped with a hash parameters for use with hiera

         url: "http://your.xld.instance:4516/<context_root>"
         username: "your xld user"
         password: "your xld password"

adding a jenkins server and a git repo to the configuration

        type: 'jenkins.Server'
        title: 'jenkins1'
          username: "jenkins user"
          title: "title in xlr"
          proxyHost:  <optional proxy host .. null for no proxy>
          proxyPort:  <optional proxy host .. null for no proxy>
          password: "jenkins user password"
          url: 'http://your_jenkins_host_goes_here:and_the_port_here'
         type: 'git.Repository'
         title: 'git_test1'
           username: 'git user name'
           password: 'title in xlr'
           url: ''
           title: 'title in xlr'


####Public classes

xlrelease #####os_user
the user that will be used to run xlr and installed on the os by the module (unless it's already there) default: xlrelease #####os_group
the group that will be used to run xlr and installed on the os by the module (unless it's already there) default: xlrelease #####tmp_dir
specifies a temporary file storage space for the module to store downloaded stuff default: /var/tmp #####xlr_version
specifies the version of xlr to install default : 4.5.1 #####xlr_basedir
specifies the base installation directory for xlr default: /opt/xl-release #####xlr_serverhome
specifies the xlrelease server home directory default: /opt/xl-release/xl-release-server #####xlr_licsource specifies where the xl-release license can be obtained default: no help there .. sorry #####xlr_repopath specifies the path to the xlr repository on the filesystem either specify a full path prefixed with file:/// or a directory relative to the server home default: repository #####xlr_initrepo
specifies if we should initialize the repo upon installation default: true #####xlr_http_port
specifies the port xlr will respond to default: 5516 #####xlr_http_bind_address specifies the address the instance binds to default: (listens to all incomming traffic) #####xlr_http_context_root
specifies the context root xlr will respond on default: / #####xlr_importable_packages_path specifies the path to the imporatble packages either specify a full path prefixed with file:/// or a directory relative to the server home default: importablePackages #####xlr_ssl
specifies if the module should setup ssl traffic to the server default: false #####xlr_download_user specifies the xlr download user account (can be obtaind from xebialabs) default: undef #####xlr_download_password specifies the xlr download user password (can be obtained form default: undef #####xlr_download_proxy_url specifies a proxy url if one is needed to obtain a direct internet connection default: undef #####xlr_rest_user specifies the restuser to be used for interfacing from the module to the xlr instance default: admin #####xlr_rest_password
specifies the restusers password default: xebialabs #####xlr_admin_password
specifies the admin password xlr will be setup with default: xebialabs #####java_home
specifies the java_home which will be used to run xlr default: 'RedHat' : '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64' 'Debian' : '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64' #####install_java specifies if java should be installed as part of this modules duties #####install_type
specifies the type of installation method where gonna use: default: download choices: download: download source from (preffered) puppetfiles: get the source from a specified puppet files location #####puppetfiles_xlrelease_source specifies the source location of the xlr installation for use with a puppetfiles installation type #####custom_download_server_url
specify a custom download url (other than the standard xebialabs one provided by the module) #####xlr_xldeploy_hash
allows for the specification of multiple xl-deploy instances in a hash format (see instructions above) #####xlr_config_item_hash
allows for the specifiaction of multiple xl-release configuration items in a hash format (see instructions above) #####ldap_server_url ldap url to connect to #####ldap_manager_dn principal to perform the initial bind to the LDAP server #####ldap_manager_password credentials to perform the initial bind to the LDAP server #####ldap_user_search_base ldap filter to use as a basis for searching for users #####ldap_user_search_filter ldap filter to determine the LDAP dn for the user who is logging in #####ldap_group_search_base ldap filter to use as a basis for searching for groups #####ldap_group_search_filter ldap filter to determine the group memberships of the user

####types and provider pairs xlrelease_xld_server

this resource can be used to configure a xl-deploy instance in a xlr instance

#####type the type of ci to configure in xlr (no point in changing this on this resource !!!!) default : 'xlrelease.DeployitServerDefinition'
#####properties the properties the should be configured in xld 'url': the url to reach the xldeploy server on 'username': the username of the xldeploy server 'password': the password to go along with the username #####rest_url a url to reach the external xlr server on (which is optional) use this if u are using this resource from a different server other than the xlr server default: undef


this resource can be used to influence a configuration item in an xlr instance

#####type the type of ci to configure in xlr posiblities: jenkins.Server, git.Repository (amongst others ... this has to be valid in xlr) #####properties the properties the should be configured in xld (dependent on the type) #####rest_url a url to reach the external xlr server on (which is optional) use this if u are using this resource from a different server other than the xlr server default: undef


###os compatibility

  • Debian (all recent versions)
  • Ubuntu (all recent versions) 12.02 and 14.02 supported
  • Redhat (6&7 supported)
  • CentOS (6&7 supported)

###xlrelease compatibility versions 4.0.13 and 4.5.1 tested ##Development

  • No real rules yet, but a test set will be setup pretty soon.
  • Pull requests will be evaluated and if they make sense they will be incorporated in the module

##Release Notes/Contributors/Etc Optional


  • Wian Vos


  • Wian Vos

** help wanted **