Does as much as it says in the title. Documentation for the gridjs
Currently requires the modified version of gridjs
located here. Here is the
related PR.
open Js_of_ocaml
open Gridjs
let options ()=
[| Config.Column.make "First_Name"
; Config.Column.make "Last_Name"
; Config.Column.make "Email" |]
~server:(Config.Server.make ~then_:(fun a -> a) "/some/data.json")
~className:(Config.ClassName.make ())
~pagination:(Config.Pagination.make ~limit:5 true)
~search:(Config.Search.make true) () in
let _ =
let target = Dom_html.document##getElementById (Js.string "target") in target
(fun () -> ())
(fun target ->
let grid : _ Grid.t Js.t = new%js Grid.t options in
grid##render target)