Intellij IDEA plugin PlantUML2DDL for MySQL/PostgreSQL DDL and PlantUML Entity Relationship Diagram convert to each other.
Install this plugin both from plugin marketplace and from disk. Releases page
Symbol | Explain | Example |
# | PRIMARY KEY | # id : bigint(20) |
<<pk>> | PRIMARY KEY | id : bigint(20) <<pk>> |
* | NOT NULL | * type : tinyint(4) |
<<notnull>> | NOT NULL | type : tinyint(4) <<notnull>> |
<<generated>> | AUTO_INCREMENT | #id : bigint(20) <<generated>> |
<<default:{DEFAULT_VALUE}>> | DEFAULT {DEFAULT_VALUE} | *name : varchar(50) <<default:'anonymous'>> type : tinyint(4) <<default:0>> |
--{COLUMN_COMMENT} | column COMMENT '{COLUMN_COMMENT}' | *name : varchar(50) <<default:'anonymous'>> --user name |
{TABLE_COMMENT} --/../==/__ |
table COMMENT '{TABLE_COMMENT}' | entity "tbl_user" { table for user -- } entity "tbl_user" { table for user .. } entity "tbl_user" { table for user == } entity "tbl_user" { table for user __ } |
- Open a PlantUML file
- In this file, Right-click or Alt-Insert
- Select
->PlantUML -> MySQL
orPlantUML -> PostgreSQL
For example: mysql_sample.puml
@startuml aaa
' hide the spot
hide circle
' avoid problems with angled crows feet
skinparam linetype ortho
entity "tbl_user" as user {
table for user
#id : bigint(20) <<generated>>
*type : tinyint(4) <<default:0>> --user type: 0-pc,1-mobile
*name : varchar(50) <<default:'anonymous'>> -- user name
description : varchar(200) <<default:'some string'>> --user description
entity "tbl_order" as order {
table for order
#id : bigint(20) <<generated>>
* **order_number** : varchar(20) <<default:'0'>> -- order number
*user_id : bigint(20) <<FK>> <<default:0>> -- user id
*item_id: bigint(20) <<FK>> <<default:0>> -- item id
entity "tbl_item" as item {
table for item
#id : bigint(20) <<generated>>
title : varchar(50) <<default: 'wahaha'>> <<notnull>> -- item title
*price : int(11) <<default: 0>> -- item price
user }|..|{ order
item }|..|{ order
In the current directory, will generate a file mysql_sample_{yyyyMMddHHmmss}.sql
create table if not exists `tbl_user` (
`id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment,
`type` tinyint(4) not null default 0 comment 'user type: 0-pc,1-mobile',
`name` varchar(50) not null default 'anonymous' comment 'user name',
`description` varchar(200) default 'some string' comment 'user description',
primary key (`id`)
) comment 'table for user';
create table if not exists `tbl_order` (
`id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment,
`order_number` varchar(20) not null default '0' comment 'order number',
`user_id` bigint(20) not null default 0 comment 'user id',
`item_id` bigint(20) not null default 0 comment 'item id',
primary key (`id`)
) comment 'table for order';
create table if not exists `tbl_item` (
`id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment,
`title` varchar(50) not null default 'wahaha' comment 'item title',
`price` int(11) not null default 0 comment 'item price',
primary key (`id`)
) comment 'table for item';
- Open a DDL file
- In this file, Right-click or Alt-Insert
- Select
->MySQL -> PlantUML
orPostgreSQL -> PlantUML