Self hosted Microservice for sending SMS messages using api and easily extendable.
✨ Feature
Full stack Customizable Microsevice for self hosting SMS gateway.
Secure authentication
🚀 Getting Started
- Flutter SDK
- Firebase project
- Django backend server
- Android Studio / VS Code
- Setup Firebase
- Create a new Firebase project
- Add your Android/iOS app
- Download google-services.json and place in android/app
- Enable Cloud Messaging in Firebase Console
- Backend Setup
Clone the repository
git clone
Install Python dependencies
cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure Django settings
python migrate python createsuperuser
Start the backend server
python runserver
Install Flutter dependencies
flutter pub get
Run the app
flutter run
Login with your credentials after creating an account in the backend (you can use the admin pannel to create a user)
Grant SMS permissions when prompted
Now send sms using the api
Firebase Cloud Messaging
Django REST Framework
SQLite Database
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Fork the Project
Create your Feature Branch
Commit your Changes
Push to the Branch
Open a Pull Request