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A cloud backup solution for the rite text editor. Written in Rust using Tide.


You can try out rite-cloud using the instance hosted here. If you would like to host your own instance of rite-cloud, read on.


You'll need a working Rust toolchain, and openssl and sqlite3 installed.

Clone the repository and cd into it.

git clone
cd rite-cloud

Since rite uses GitHub for authentication, you will need to create a GitHub app and generate a client secret. Note down the redirect URL you set here, we'll use it later.

Once this is done, you'll need to set the following environment variables:

  • CLIENT_ID - The client ID of the GitHub app you created in the last step.
  • CLIENT_SECRET - The client secret you generated in the last step.
  • APP_URL - The local URL where you want your app to be, along with the port number. For example:
  • TOKEN_URL - The URL where the app will obtain its access token from. Set it to
  • AUTH_URL - The URL where the app will use for authorization. Set it to
  • REDIRECT_URL - The URL that GitHub will redirect to on successful auth. It should be the URL of where your app is hosted, followed by the string /auth/github/authorized. For example, the instance at has the REDIRECT_URL
  • TIDE_SECRET - A string to use as the cookie signing secret. MUST be atleast 32 bytes long and should be cryptographically random to be secure.
  • DATABASE_URL - A path to an sqlite db (will be created if it doesn't exist) that will be used as the rite database.
  • FILE_LIMIT - the maximum size of an upload request.

Finally, run the app with cargo run --release. You should be able to open it by navigating to the APP_URL.

systemd service

To make your Rite Cloud instance start on boot, carry out the following steps:

Copy files
cd rite-cloud
cargo build --release
sudo mkdir /opt/rite-cloud
sudo cp "$PWD/target/release/rite-cloud" "/opt/rite-cloud/rite-cloud"
sudo chmod +x /opt/rite-cloud/rite-cloud # make it executable
sudo cp -r "$PWD/res" "/opt/rite-cloud/res"
sudo cp -r "$PWD/templates" "/opt/rite-cloud/templates"
Create a storage directory
sudo mkdir -p /opt/rite-cloud/storage
Set up the start script

Copy the start-rite-cloud script to /opt/rite-cloud/start-rite-cloud. Open it with your editor of choice and edit it to add the required environment variables.

sudo cp install-files/start-rite-cloud /opt/rite-cloud/start-rite-cloud
sudo nano /opt/rite-cloud/start-rite-cloud
Set up the systemd service

Next, copy the rite-cloud.service file to /etc/systemd/system and give it the correct permissions.

sudo cp install-files/rite-cloud.service /etc/systemd/system/rite-cloud.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/rite-cloud.service

Finally, enable the service with systemctl.

sudo systemctl enable rite-cloud

You should now have an instance of rite-cloud set up that starts when your server does.


To update your rite-cloud instance, pull the latest copy of the source, build it (or you can use one of the builds from the releases section), and then copy over the files to /opt/rite-cloud again.

cd rite-cloud
git pull
cargo build --release
sudo cp "$PWD/target/release/rite-cloud" "/opt/rite-cloud/rite-cloud"
sudo cp -r "$PWD/res" "/opt/rite-cloud/res"
sudo cp -r "$PWD/templates" "/opt/rite-cloud/templates"


To uninstall, just disable the service, and remove the /opt/rite-cloud dir along with /etc/systemd/system/rite-cloud.service.


  • async-sqlx-session used under the terms of the MIT license. I've temporarily forked it to fix the version of async-session until Tide updates with the correct fixes to the SQLite session middleware.
  • Inconsolata and Crimson Pro used under the OFL


To contribute code, feature ideas or bug reports, open an issue, or fork the repo and make a PR.

If you would like to help out with hosting costs or just like using rite-cloud, you can support me financially using one of the means listed here.