This is a project to help me to manage my Nix system configuration, mainly with Darwin and Home Manager.
- Shell: fish
- Terminal: alacritty
- Editor: neovim
- Multiplexer: tmux
- Prompt: starship
- Browser: Zen Browser
- Docker: orbstack
- Network: tailscale
- Window Tiling Manager:
sh <(curl -L
scutil --get LocalHostName
chsh -s (which fish)
The following script will initialise the function above and install additional node packages too.
bash ~/nix-system-config-v2/scripts/
// run this at the root of this directory
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/nix-system-config-v2/.#Kyles-MacBook-Air
darwin-rebuild switch --flake ~/nix-system-config-v2
// Cleanup nix
bash ~/nix-system-config-v2/scripts/
// Cleanup neovim
bash ~/nix-system-config-v2/scripts/
bash ~/nix-system-config-v2/scripts/
Navigate to ...../modules/home-manager/node-packages
and run the following command to generate a nix expression. The expression can then be added into home manager
is to build with nodejs v18
nix-shell -p nodePackages.node2nix --command "node2nix -18 -i ./node-packages.json -o node"
// Activate
/Applications/ activate
// Restart kanata
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.kanata.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.kanata.plist