A website that you can put your minds into it!
This is a website that provide space to your minds, along with management dashboard.
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- json-server
- Cloudinary
- pnpm
- react-hook-form
- swr
In order to run the application, you need to run both the frontend and the backend. The backend is located in the db.json
and served using json-server
. The frontend is located in the src
folder and served using Next.js
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository
- Run
pnpm install
to install dependencies - Run
pnpm dev
to start the application - Navigate to
in your browser to access the application
Env is used to hide the base url of the backend.
- create .env file in root folder
- copy the content of .env.example to .env
The schema of the backend is one user can have many portfolios. You can see the structure in db.json file after you fullfill the form.
How to run:
- split terminal
- type
pnpm run db
to start the backend - You should see
running in your terminal
Notes: For the images, i use personal Cloudinary. the reason is because it is easy to store the images and i can get the image url easily. Be careful what image you upload because i can see it in my cloudinary dashboard.
I did not deploy the application since the backend won't work properly because of json-server can't be deployed.