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Using SquidCursorLoader

Sam Bosley edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 12 revisions

SquidCursorLoader is the analogue to Android's CursorLoader. Instead of querying a ContentResolver to return a Cursor, it queries a SquidDatabase to return a SquidCursor. Queries done with SquidCursorLoader are asynchronous, so they won't block the UI thread waiting for the database.

To construct a SquidCursorLoader, you need an instance of SquidDatabase and a SquiDB Query object. Most often, you will construct a SquidCursorLoader in the context of implementing LoaderCallbacks:

LoaderCallbacks<SquidCursor<Person>> votersLoaderCallbacks =
        new LoaderCallbacks<SquidCursor<Person>>() {
    public Loader<SquidCursor<Person>> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {
        Query query =;
        SquidCursorLoader<Person> loader =
                new SquidCursorLoader<Person>(context, database, Person.class, query);
        return loader;
    /* other methods */

Optionally, you can call setNotificationUri() to register a Uri to listen for changes on. If the Uri is notified of changes, the loader will be refreshed:

SquidCursorLoader<Person> loader =
        new SquidCursorLoader<Person>(context, database, Person.class, query);

When using the support library

If you are using the support libraries for fragments and require a version of SquidCursorLoader that also uses the support library, you can add the squidb-support-loader module as a dependency:

dependencies {
    compile ''

This module contains SquidSupportCursorLoader, a version of SquidCursorLoader suitable for use with the support libraries.

Note that squidb-support-loader includes a dependency on the Android support library (support-v4). If you want to force a particular version of the support library to be used in your own project, you should exclude this transitive dependency. For example:

dependencies {
    compile('') {
        exclude module: 'support-v4' // Exclude the support lib dependency by module name

There are various other gradle strategies to exclude transitive dependencies as documented here.

See also: