- VirtualBox (can load multiple guest OSes under a single host operating-system) - VirtualBox website
- Ubuntu 20.04 server image - Download image
- Create a Virtual Machine by clicking the New button
- Name the machine Ubuntu and set its Memory size to 2048MB
- Do not change the VDI settings and click Create
- Go to the Network tab in the machine settings (yellow Settings button), and change the NAT option to Bridged Adaptator
- Start the machine and select the Ubuntu server image
- Leave all default settings (except for OpenSSH - click install)
ssh [user]@[server ip]
sudo su
wget https://git.io/vpn -O openvpn-install.sh && bash openvpn-install.sh
cat /root/client.ovpn
rm *
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yanbxr/d2hosting/main/d2 -O ./d2
chmod +x ./d2