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/ ImageX Public

👓 GIFs and images displayed. 动态图像滤镜播放图像框架。


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Carthage compatible CocoaPods Compatible Platform

ImageX is a powerful library that quickly allows controls to play animated images and add filters. The core is to use CADisplayLink to constantly refresh and update animated image frames.

English | 简体中文


🧢 At the moment, the most important features of GIF Animatable can be summarized as follows:

  • Support more platform system,macOS、iOS、tvOS、watchOS.
  • Support display and decode animated image with these formats:
    webp, heic, gif, apng.
  • Support display and decode still image with these formats:
    jpeg, png, tiff, heif, webp, heic, gif.
  • Support directly set an image or animated image from a URL witg these extensions:
    NSImageView, UIImageView, UIButton, NSButton, WKInterfaceImage.
  • Support any control play animated image and set filters if used the protocol AsAnimatable.
  • Support asynchronous downloading and caching images or Animated from the web.
  • Support network sharing with the same url, and will not download the same resource data multiple times.
  • Support breakpoint continuous transmission and download of network resource data.
  • Support six image or animated image content modes .
  • Support disk and memory cached network data, And the data is compressed by GZip.
  • Support secondary compression of cache data, occupying less disk space.
  • Support clean up disk expired data in your spare time and size limit.
  • Support setting different types of named encryption methods, Such as md5, sha1, base58, And user defined.
  • Support custom decoder/encoder, and also has some decoder/encoder for you to use.


iOS Target macOS Target Xcode Version Swift Version
iOS 10.0+ macOS 10.13+ Xcode 10.0+ Swift 5.0+

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  • NSImageView or UIImageView display network image or animated image and add the filters.
// Set image from a url.
let url = URL(string: "")!
imageView.kj.setImage(with: url)
  • Or set other parameters play animated image or downloading image.
var options = ImageXOptions(moduleName: "Component Name")
options.placeholder = .image(R.image("AppIcon")!)
options.resizingMode = .scaleAspectBottomRight
options.Animated.loop = .count(3)
options.Animated.bufferCount = 20
options.Cache.cacheOption = .disk
options.Cache.cacheCrypto = .md5
options.Cache.cacheDataZip = .gzip
options.Network.retry = .max3s
options.Network.timeoutInterval = 30
options.Animated.setPreparationBlock(block: { [weak self] _ in
    // do something..
options.Animated.setAnimatedBlock(block: { _ in
    // play is complete and then do something..
options.Network.setNetworkProgress(block: { _ in
    // download progress..
options.Network.setNetworkFailed(block: { _ in
    // download failed.

let links = [``GIF URL``, ``Image URL``, ``GIF Named``, ``Image Named``]
let named = links.randomElement() ?? ""

// Setup filters.
let filters: [C7FilterProtocol] = [
    C7SoulOut(soul: 0.75),
    C7Storyboard(ranks: 2),
imageView.kj.setImage(with: named, filters: filters, options: options)

😘😘 And other methods:

/// Display image or animated image and add the filters.
/// - Parameters:
///   - named: Picture or gif name.
///   - filters: Harbeth filters apply to image or gif frame.
///   - options: Represents creating options used in ImageX.
public func setImage(with named: String, filters: [C7FilterProtocol], options: ImageXOptions = ImageXOptions.default)

/// Display image or animated image and add the filters.
/// - Parameters:
///   - data: Picture data.
///   - filters: Harbeth filters apply to image or gif frame.
///   - options: Represents creating options used in ImageX.
/// - Returns: A uniform type identifier UTI.
public func setImage(with data: Data?, filters: [C7FilterProtocol], options: ImageXOptions = .default) -> AssetType

/// Display network image or animated image and add the filters.
/// - Parameters:
///   - url: Link url.
///   - filters: Harbeth filters apply to image or gif frame.
///   - options: Represents gif playback creating options used in ImageX.
/// - Returns: Current network URLSessionDataTask.
public func setImage(with url: URL?, filters: [C7FilterProtocol], options: ImageXOptions = .default) -> Task?
  • Any control can play the local animated image data.
let filters: [C7FilterProtocol] = [ ``Harbeth Filter`` ]
let data = R.gifData(``GIF Name``)
var options = ImageXOptions()
options.Animated.loop = .count(5)
options.placeholder = .color(.cyan) data, filters: filters, options: options)
  • Any control implementation protocol AsAnimatable can support animated image playback.
class AnimatedView: UIView, AsAnimatable {

GIF animated support has been implemented here for ImageView , so you can use it directly.✌️


  • Mainly for the image filling content to change the size.
Example ResizingMode
original original
Dimensions of the original image. Do nothing with it.

options.resizingMode = .original
scaleToFill scaleToFill
The option to scale the content to fit the size of itself by changing the aspect ratio of the content if necessary.

options.resizingMode = .scaleToFill
scaleAspectFit scaleAspectFit
Contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. remainder is transparent.

options.resizingMode = .scaleAspectFit
scaleAspectFill scaleAspectFill
Contents scaled to fill with fixed aspect. some portion of content may be clipped.

options.resizingMode = .scaleAspectFill
scaleAspectBottomRight scaleAspectBottomRight
Contents scaled to fill with fixed aspect. top or left portion of content may be clipped.

options.resizingMode = .scaleAspectBottomRight
scaleAspectTopLeft scaleAspectTopLeft
Contents scaled to fill with fixed aspect. bottom or right portion of content may be clipped.

options.resizingMode = .scaleAspectTopLeft


  • Other parameters related to Animated playback and downloading and caching.
  • Represents gif playback creating options used in ImageX.
public struct ImageXOptions {
    public static var `default` = ImageXOptions()
    /// Additional parameters that need to be set to play animated images.
    public var Animated: ImageXOptions.Animated = ImageXOptions.Animated.init()
    /// Download additional parameters that need to be configured to download network resources.
    public var Network: ImageXOptions.Network = ImageXOptions.Network.init()
    /// Caching data from the web need to be configured parameters.
    public var Cache: ImageXOptions.Cache = ImageXOptions.Cache.init()
    /// Appoint the decode or encode coder.
    public var appointCoder: ImageCodering?
    /// Placeholder image. default gray picture.
    public var placeholder: ImageX.Placeholder = .none
    /// Content mode used for resizing the frame image.
    /// When this property is `original`, modifying the thumbnail pixel size will not work.
    public var resizingMode: ImageX.ResizingMode = .original
    /// Whether or not to generate the thumbnail images.
    /// Defaults to CGSizeZero, Then take the size of the displayed control size as the thumbnail pixel size.
    public var thumbnailPixelSize: CGSize = .zero
    /// 做组件化操作时刻,解决本地GIF或本地图片所处于另外模块从而读不出数据问题。😤
    /// Do the component operation to solve the problem that the local GIF or Image cannot read the data in another module.
    public let moduleName: String
    /// Instantiation of configuration parameters.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - moduleName: Do the component operation to solve the problem that the local GIF or image cannot read the data in another module.
    public init(moduleName: String = "ImageX") {
        self.moduleName = moduleName


  • The protocol that view classes need to conform to to enable animated image support at AsAnimatable.


  • For the use of caching modules, please refer to CacheX for more information.
  • Network data caching type. There are two modes: memory and disk storage.
  • Among them, the disk storage uses GZip to compress data, so it will occupy less space.
  • Support setting different types of named encryption methods, such as md5, sha1, base58, And user defined.
  • Considering different degrees of security, the data source compression and decompression method is opened here. The library provides GZip compression or decompression. Of course, users can also customize it.


Has the following coder:


var options = ImageXOptions()
options.appointCoder = AnimatedAPNGCoder()

If no decoder/encoder is specified, the corresponding decoder/encoder will be automatically selected.



pod 'ImageX'

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", branch: "master"),



ImageX is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.