Developing a full-platform gallery app that imitates the Unsplash website, all API calls are made to the official Unsplash API.
- ⚡️ Vue 3
- ⚡️ Vite
- ⚡️ UI Framework Vuetify 3
- ⚡️ TypeScript
- 📦 Component Auto Importing
- 🍍 Pinia
- 🍍 pinia-plugin-persist for state persisting
- ⚡️
<script setup>
- ⚡️ Use icons from any icon sets in Iconify
- ☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
- ☁️ Responsive multi-platform adaptive
- ⚡️ Internationalization (i18n)
- ⚡️ Dark Light mode
- ⚡️ Themecolor change
- ⚡️ Vue3-perfect-scrollbar
cd vuetify3-unsplash
npm install
npm run dev
regarding API requests, my example uses the unsplash API.
You need to go to the unsplash developer platform and apply for your own
Then, create a new
file locally.Add
VITE_UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY = your own Access Key