A simple tool that aggregates Azure compute usage across multiple subscriptions. Output as JSON or ascii tables to console.
Sample output:
resource | eastus | westus2 | total |
availabilitySets | 1 | 0 | 1 |
cores | 1 | 1 | 2 |
virtualMachines | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Usage: azusage [options] [command]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-t|--tenant The Azure tenant Id to sign in.
-c|--client Service principal client Id for accessing Azure subscriptions.
-s|--secret Service principal client secret for accessing Azure subscriptions.
-o|--output Output format: Json, Table, Markdown or Csv.
--title Table and Markdown output title. Ignored in JSON output.
-n|--usage-name Show only specified usages, e.g. cores. Can specify multiple values.
-p|--subscription-pattern Show only specified subscriptions, support regex. Can specify multiple values.
--access-token Specify Azure Resource Manager access token directly. Service principal will be ignored in this case.
list Lists subscription usages by individual subscriptions.
summary Summarize subscription usages by name groups.
Use "azusage [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Open Cloud Shell
- Run following command to run the container in Azure Container Instance. Output will be print in container logs.
az container create -g demo -n azusage \
--restart-policy Never \
--image yangl/azure-usage:alpine \
--command-line "dotnet azusage.dll summary --output table --access-token `az account get-access-token | jq .accessToken -r`"
az container logs -g demo -n azusage
docker run yangl/azure-usage:alpine summary --output table --client <sp-client-id> --secret <sp-secret> --tenant <tenant-id>
To run this tool in Azure automatically we will use Azure Container Instances and Logic App. We will need create a Logic App workflow with a timer that triggers every day, the workflow will start an ACI container and wait it run to completion, then get output from container logs. The output can be saved to a storage blob using storage connector, or send email via outlook/gmail connector.
All we need is 2 steps:
- Deploy a logic app workflow and an API connection to ACI. Run following command in Azure Cloud Shell.
az group create -l westus -n azure-usage-report
az group deployment create -g azure-usage-report -n task --template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yangl900/azure-usage/master/Templates/schedule-daily.json --parameters client_secret=mysecret client_id=my_spn_client_id tenant_id=my_tenant_id
- Login your account to connect Logic App and Azure Container Instance
After the deployment complete you should see 2 resources in the resource group from Azure Portal:
Open the logic app workflow resource, and in the designer (click Edit) you should see following flow:
Click the ones with warning and sign in your account (or, use a service principal), this will allow the workflow to create container. And that's it!
Trigger the workflow should see the results like following:
Build from commandline where .Net Core SDK available:
dotnet build
Contributions are welcome.