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Actioner is a little utility to help define, manage and validate Redux actions.

To install

npm install actioner


The simple case:

import Actioner from 'actioner';

let actioner = new Actioner();

actioner.add( 'move_ship' );
actioner.add( 'add_ship' );

console.log( actioner.types.MOVE_SHIP ); // prints 'MOVE_SHIP'

let action = actioner.actions.add_ship( { id: 'enkidu', hull: 9 } );
// action === { type: 'MOVE_SHIP', id: 'enkidu', hull: 9 }

Definining custom generating functions:

actioner.add( 'move_ship', ship => ({
    ( typeof ship === 'object' ) ? : ship
}) );

let action = actioner.actions.move_ship( 'enkidu' );
// action === { type: 'MOVE_SHIP', ship_id: 'enkidu' }

With json-schema validation:

new actioner = new Actioner({ 
    validate: true,
    schema_id: '' 

actioner.actions.add( 'add_ship', {
    properties: {
        ship_id: { type: 'string', required: true },
        hull:    { type: 'number', required: true },
    additional_properties: false,

actioner.actions.add_ship({ ship_id: 'enkidu' }); // will throw 

let schema = Actions.schema();
// schema === { 
//     id: 'http://localhost/actions',
//     oneOf: [ { '$ref': '#/definitions/add_ship' } ] 
//     definitions: { 
//         add_ship: {
//             type: 'object', 
//             properties: {
//                 type:    { enum: [ 'ADD_SHIP' ] },
//                 ship_id: { type: 'string' },
//                 hull:    { type: 'number' },
//             },
//             additional_properties: false,
//             required: [ 'ship_id', 'hull' ],
//         }
//     }

Note that the actions returned by the generators are automatically made immutable via updeep, unless the node environment is set to production.

Typically, I create an actioner in its own file and export the types and action generators with something that looks like this:

import _ from 'lodash';

import Actioner from './actioner';

let actioner = new Actioner();

actioner.add('do_stuff', () => { ... } );

_.merge(module.exports, actioner.mapped_types, actioner.actions );

export default actioner;

Class Actioner

new Actioner({ schema_id: url, validate: boolean })

let MyActions = new Actioner({
    schema_id:      'http://myapp.redux/actions',
    validate:       true,
    schema_include: { additional_properties: false },
    ajv:            ajv

Creates a new actioner action object. If schema_id is not provided, it defaults to http://localhost/actions.

If validate is true, then actions will be validated when created (defaults to false).

If provided, schema_include will be merged in to all action schema. Useful to clamp down on additional properties, as the example shows, or to add properties shared by all actions. Defaults to an empty object.

The ajv object used for the validations can be provided. If not, it will be created by the actioner object.

add( name, generating_function, schema )

actioner.add( 'do_stuff' );

actioner.add( 'do_other_stuff, stuff => ( { task: stuff } ) )

actioner.add( 'do_sumfin_else, { properties: { task: 'object' } } )

Adds a new action. The name is the only mandatory argument, and must be in its lowercase format (camel-case and snake-case, do_stuff and doStuff, are both accepted. Once the action is added, its type and generating function are both available via the types and actions methods of the Actioner object.

// snake-case
actioner.add( 'do_stuff' );

actioner.types.DO_STUFF;  // === 'DO_STUFF'

actioner.actions.do_stuff({ thing: 'wash potatoes' });  
// === { type: 'DO_STUFF', thing: 'wash potatoes' }

// camel-case
actioner.add( 'doThing' );

actioner.types.DO_THING;  // === 'DO_THING'

actioner.actions.doThing({ stuff: 'wash potatoes' });
// === { type: 'DO_THING', stuff: 'wash potatoes' }

By default, the creator function takes its input object and adds the type attribute to it. A function can be given to add to custom the generation. The function is expected to return an object (to which the type will still be added.

actioner.add( 'do_stuff', thing => { must_do: thing } );

actioner.actoins.do_stuff( 'wash potatoes' );
// === { type: 'DO_STUFF', must_do: 'wash potatoes' }

A schema can also be given, which will be used to validate actions upon creation if validation is enabled. The schema is expanded by json-schema-shorthand.

Returns the actioner object.


Boolean flag indicating if the actioner object is validating the actions when generated.


Returns the ajv object used for the validations (if validation is enabled).


Returns the json schema describing the set of registered actions (assuming, of course, that schema definitions have been provided to add()).


Returns the value of schema_include passed to the constructor.


Returns an array with all the action types, sorted alphabetically.


Returns an object with all the action types. Purely a helper function to make the export of the types easier.


Returns an object with the action names and their generator functions.


Manage Redux actions






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