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Robin on Math: My Notes of Learning Mathematics

What is this?

I'm bad at mathematics.

For all the years before my senior year in college, I feared mathematics, struggled with mathematics, and was anxious about all kinds of mathematical tests. Ironically, my program in college was half math and half computer, so I was forced to study many mathematical subjects. Even more ironically, after being forced to study such much mathematics, in the last year of college (2006), the year I was about to finish my student life, I suddenly started to like mathematics, but I didn't have much time to learn it.

For almost 20 years after graduating from college (I was writing this README file in 2023), I didn't have the courage to pick up mathematics again. But as years passed by, I gradually realized that re-learning mathematics is one of the achievements I want make before I die. I don't want to be "just drifting through the sea of life" (Save Me by Hanson). I want to build my life on top of a solid foundation.

The purpose of re-learning is twofold:

  • 80% for personal interest.
  • 20% for building a solid foundation for my career as a software developer.

This repository thus serves two purposes as well:

  • I use it to track my progress of learning.
  • I use it to put my learning notes.

The subjects

For now (2023), I want to learn the following subjects:

  • Foundations
    • This part includes several subjects such as:
      • Set theory
      • Proof systems
      • Propositional logic
      • Graph theory
      • Finite automata
      • Turing machine
      • Complexity theory
  • Linear algebra
  • Real mathematical analysis
    • Side note: I could have just learned calculus but I feel mathematical analysis is more appealing to me.
  • Probability and statistics


As I was learning linear algebra and real analysis, I gradually realize I needed to refresh my memory on these fundamental subjects, too. I had learned various such subjects when I was in middle school, high school, or college, but that was two or three decades ago.

I'm primrily using all kinds of online resources to (re)learn the fundamental subjects:

Linear algebra

As of 2023, I'm learning Linear Algebra Done Right. The notes (including exercises) are in the sub-directory Linear-Algebra-Done-Right.

Real mathematical analysis

While I'm learning linear algebra by reading a textbook, for real mathematical analysis I want to try a different approach: taking an open course online. I'm currently following the MIT 18.100A Real Analysis. The notes (including exercises) are in the sub-directory Real-Analysis-MIT-18100A.

Probability and statistics






My notes of learning mathematics







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