This is a demo program to demonstrate how person or face detection DL model and re-identification model works with Intel(r) Distribution of OpenVINO(tm) toolkit.
This program finds the objects such as person or face from the multiple images, then assign ID and match objects in the pictures.
The demo program suppors multiple camera or movie file inputs (the program should work with more than 2 inputs).
The re-identification model takes a cropped image of the object and generates a feature vector which consists of 256 FP values. This program calculates the cosine distance of those feature vectores of the objects to check the object similarity.
The found objects are registered to a database with the created time. The time in the record will be updated everytime the record is used so that the program can check the elapsed time from the last use. The record will be evicted when the specified time passes.
Intel(r) Distribution of OpenVINO(tm) toolkitを使った人・顔検出+マッチングデモプログラムです。
You can track people in the images sent from multiple cameras
The demo expects the following models in the Intermediate Representation (IR) format:
For person / pedestrian detection and re-identification
For face detection and re-identification
You can download those models from OpenVINO Open Model Zoo.
In the models.lst
is the list of appropriate models for this demo that can be obtained via Model downloader
Please see more information about Model downloader
(Assuming you have successfully installed and setup OpenVINO 2020.2. If you haven't, go to the OpenVINO web page and follow the Get Started guide to do it.)
The demo depends on:
(for Hangarian combinational optimization method)
To install all the required Python modules you can use:
(Linux) pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(Win10) pip install -r requirements.txt
Use Model Downloader
to download the required models.
(Linux) python3 $INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --list models.lst
(Win10) python "%INTEL_OPENVINO_DIR%\deployment_tools\tools\model_downloader\" --list models.lst
This program doesn't take any command line arguments. All file names and paths are hard coded in the source code.
(Linux) python3
(Win10) python
In default, the program assumes that 2 USB webCams are attached to your PC. If you want to use movie files instead, modify the source code (it's easy :-) )
The application draws the boundinx boxes and ID numbers on the images.
- Windows 10 x64 1909 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Intel(r) Distribution of OpenVINO(tm) toolkit 2020.2
- Python 3.6.5 x64