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A job spooler program, called `jobber`, that accepts user requests to spool tasks for execution, cancel jobs, pause and resume jobs, show the status of jobs, and expunge terminated jobs from the system.

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Homework 4 Job Spooler - CSE 320 - Fall 2019

Professor Eugene Stark

Due Date: Friday 11/15/2018 @ 11:59pm


The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with low-level Unix/POSIX system calls related to processes, signal handling, files, and I/O redirection. You will implement a job spooler program, called jobber, that accepts user requests to spool tasks for execution, cancel jobs, pause and resume jobs, show the status of jobs, and expunge terminated jobs from the system.


After completing this assignment, you should:

  • Understand process execution: forking, executing, and reaping.
  • Understand signal handling.
  • Understand the use of "dup" to perform I/O redirection.
  • Have a more advanced understanding of Unix commands and the command line.
  • Have gained experience with C libraries and system calls.
  • Have enhanced your C programming abilities.

Hints and Tips

  • We strongly recommend that you check the return codes of all system calls and library functions. This will help you catch errors.
  • BEAT UP YOUR OWN CODE! Use a "monkey at a typewriter" approach to testing it and make sure that no sequence of operations, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, can crash the program.
  • Your code should NEVER crash, and we will deduct points every time your program crashes during grading. Especially make sure that you have avoided race conditions involving process termination and reaping that might result in "flaky" behavior. If you notice odd behavior you don't understand: INVESTIGATE.
  • You should use the debug macro provided to you in the base code. That way, when your program is compiled without -DDEBUG, all of your debugging output will vanish, preventing you from losing points due to superfluous output.

:nerd: When writing your program, try to comment as much as possible and stay consistent with code formatting. Keep your code organized, and don't be afraid to introduce new source files if/when appropriate.

Reading Man Pages

This assignment will involve the use of many system calls and library functions that you probably haven't used before. As such, it is imperative that you become comfortable looking up function specifications using the man command.

The man command stands for "manual" and takes the name of a function or command (programs) as an argument. For example, if I didn't know how the fork(2) system call worked, I would type man fork into my terminal. This would bring up the manual for the fork(2) system call.

:nerd: Navigating through a man page once it is open can be weird if you're not familiar with these types of applications. To scroll up and down, you simply use the up arrow key and down arrow key or j and k, respectively. To exit the page, simply type q. That having been said, long man pages may look like a wall of text. So it's useful to be able to search through a page. This can be done by typing the / key, followed by your search phrase, and then hitting enter. Note that man pages are displayed with a program known as less. For more information about navigating the man pages with less, run man less in your terminal.

Now, you may have noticed the 2 in fork(2). This indicates the section in which the man page for fork(2) resides. Here is a list of the man page sections and what they are for.

Section Contents
1 User Commands (Programs)
2 System Calls
3 C Library Functions
4 Devices and Special Files
5 File Formats and Conventions
6 Games, et al
7 Miscellanea
8 System Administration Tools and Daemons

From the table above, we can see that fork(2) belongs to the system call section of the man pages. This is important because there are functions like printf which have multiple entries in different sections of the man pages. If you type man printf into your terminal, the man program will start looking for that name starting from section 1. If it can't find it, it'll go to section 2, then section 3 and so on. However, there is actually a Bash user command called printf, so instead of getting the man page for the printf(3) function which is located in stdio.h, we get the man page for the Bash user command printf(1). If you specifically wanted the function from section 3 of the man pages, you would enter man 3 printf into your terminal.

😱 Remember this: man pages are your bread and butter. Without them, you will have a very difficult time with this assignment.

Getting Started

Fetch and merge the base code for hw4 as described in hw1. You can find it at this link:

Here is the structure of the base code:

β”œβ”€β”€ .gitlab-ci.yml
└── hw4
    β”œβ”€β”€ demo
    β”‚Β Β  └── jobber
    β”œβ”€β”€ include
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ debug.h
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ jobber.h
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ sf_readline.h
    β”‚Β Β  └── task.h
    β”œβ”€β”€ lib
    β”‚Β Β  └── sf_event.o
    β”œβ”€β”€ Makefile
    β”œβ”€β”€ src
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ jobs.c
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ main.c
    β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ sf_readline.c
    β”‚Β Β  └── task.c
    └── tests
        └── hw4_tests.c

If you run make, the code should compile correctly, resulting in an executable bin/jobber. If you run this program, it doesn't do very much, because there is very little code -- you have to write it!

Jobber: Functional Specification


The jobber program implements a facility for spooling, executing, and managing jobs. Each job has a task to run, once the job has been assigned a runner process. There is a limit on the maximum number of runners that can be in existence at a given time, so a job will only begin running if the current number of runners is less than the maximum. Once a job has been started, it proceeds to execute its task until the task either completes or aborts. A running job can be paused; this causes execution of the job to be suspended until the job has later been resumed.

A task is a description of work to be performed. Tasks are specified using a syntax that is similar to that understood by a command shell such as bash. The following is an example of a task specification:

echo start ; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done

A task consists of a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by semicolons (;). In this example there are three pipelines:

  • echo start
  • cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out
  • echo done

Each pipeline consists of a sequence of one or more commands separated by vertical bars (|), with optional input redirection and output redirection specifications. In the example task the first and the third pipeline each consist of a single command (echo start and echo done) with no redirection specifications, whereas the second pipeline consists of two commands: cat /etc/passwd and grep bash, with the output redirection > out. Each command consists of a sequence of one or more words, where the first word in a command is interpreted as the name of an executable program to be run and the remaining words are interpreted as arguments. A word is any consecutive sequence of non-delimiter characters, where for our purposes delimiter characters are space characters, semicolons (;), vertical bars (|), less-than signs (<), and greater-than signs (>). An input redirection consists of a less-than sign (<) followed by a word, which is interpreted as the pathname of a file from which the first command in the pipeline is to take its input. An output redirection consists of a greater-than sign (>) followed by a word, which is interpreted as the pathname of a file to which output from the last command in the pipeline is to be sent.

  • Execution of a task is performed by executing each of its pipelines sequentially. If a pipeline completes, then execution proceeds to the next pipeline in the task. If a pipeline aborts, then the entire task aborts without proceeding to any subsequent pipeline.

  • Execution of a pipeline is performed by executing each of its commands concurrently, with the standard input and output of each command redirected so that the output from one command becomes the input of the next command. In addition, if the pipeline has an input redirection, then the specified file becomes the standard input of the first command in the pipeline and if the pipeline has an output redirection, then the specified file becomes the standard output of the last command in the pipeline. A pipeline aborts if any command in the pipeline terminates with a signal. Otherwise, the pipeline completes.

  • Execution of a command is performed by using the first word of the command as the name of an executable program, invoking that program, and passing to it an argument vector consisting of the words that make up the command. A command aborts if it terminates with a signal, otherwise it completes. A command that completes yields an exit status which is propagated according to the following rules: the exit status of the last command in a pipeline becomes the exit status of the pipeline, and the exit status of the last pipeline in a task becomes the exit status of the task.

Jobber maintains a jobs table that keeps track of the existing jobs and their current status. When a job is initially spooled, it receives an entry in the jobs table. Once the job has been started and has subsequently terminated, its final disposition (completed or aborted, plus its exit status in case it completed) is recorded in the jobs table. At this point, it becomes possible to expunge the job from the jobs table. Expunging a job is a user-initiated operation causes a terminated job to be removed from the jobs table. The jobs table has a limited number of entries, so expunging terminated jobs makes the entries the expunged jobs occupied available for use by new jobs.

Command-Line Interface

When started, jobber should present the user with a command-line interface with the following prompt


This prompt is to be printed to stdout, as is any other output (job ID's, error messages, job status lines, etc.) specified below.

Typing a blank line after the prompt should should simply cause the prompt to be repeated, without any other printout or action by the program. Non-blank lines are interpreted as commands to be executed. Jobber commands have a simple syntax, in which each command consists of a sequence of "words" (which, except for the effect of single quotes -- see below) are sequences of non-whitespace characters, separated by sequences of one or more whitespace characters. The first word of each command is a keyword that names the command. Any remaining words are the arguments to the command. Your implementation of jobber should understand the following commands, with arguments as indicated.

  • Miscellaneous commands

    • help
    • quit
  • Informational commands

    • status job_number
    • jobs
  • System control commands

    • enable
    • disable
  • Spooling commands

    • spool task
    • pause job_number
    • resume job_number
    • cancel job_number
    • expunge job_number

The help command takes no arguments, and it responds by printing a message that lists all of the types of commands understood by the program, similar to the following:

jobber> help
Available commands:
help (0 args) Print this help message
quit (0 args) Quit the program
enable (0 args) Allow jobs to start
disable (0 args) Prevent jobs from starting
spool (1 args) Spool a new job
pause (1 args) Pause a running job
resume (1 args) Resume a paused job
cancel (1 args) Cancel an unfinished job
expunge (1 args) Expunge a finished job
status (1 args) Print the status of a job
jobs (0 args) Print the status of all jobs

The quit command takes no arguments and causes execution to terminate. Before termination, the program should cancel all jobs that have not terminated. It should wait for all jobs to terminate, and then it should expunge all jobs from the jobs table in order to free any memory that they were using before finally exiting with status EXIT_SUCCESS.

The enable command sets a flag that allows spooled jobs to be started and immediately starts any spooled jobs that have not been started, up to the limitation on the maximum number of jobs that can be active at once. Note that initially, starting jobs is not enabled.

The disable command clears the flag that allows spooled jobs to be started. No jobs will subsequently be started until the enable command has been given.

The spool command spools a new job. For example:

spool 'echo start ; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done'

Here single quote characters (') are used to treat as a single word what would otherwise be interpreted as multiple words. Thus, the above command consists only of two words: spool and echo start; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done. Note that the quote characters themselves do not become part of a word. The second word in the spool command specifies the task that the job is to perform. The spool command assigns a slot in the job table to the new job and it responds to the user by printing a single line that contains the job ID of the newly spooled job. The job ID is the integer index of the slot in the job table that was assigned to the job, and it is used to identify the job in other commands. If there are no available job slots, the job is not created, and an error is reported to the user.

The pause command causes a job (specified by its job ID) that has started running to be suspended. Suspending a job is achieved by sending a SIGSTOP signal to the job runner's process group. If the specified job ID is not the ID of an existing job, or the job is not currently running, then an error is reported to the user.

The resume command causes a paused job (specified by its job ID) to continue execution. Resuming a job is achieved by sending a SIGCONT signal to the job runner's process group. If the specified job ID is not the ID of an existing job, or the job is not currently paused, then an error is reported to the user.

The cancel command marks a job (specified by its job ID) as "canceled" and attempts to forcibly terminate it. If the job has not yet been started, it is simply no longer eligible to be started. If the job has already been started, it is killed by sending a SIGKILL signal to the job's process group. If the specified job ID is not the ID of an existing job, or the job has already terminated, then the job cannot be canceled, and an error is reported to the user.

The expunge command removes a job (specified by its job ID) that has terminated from the jobs table. If the specified job ID is not the ID of an existing job, or the job has not yet terminated, then an error is reported to the user.

The status command prints the current status of a job (specified by its job ID); for example:

jobber> status 3
job 3 [waiting]: echo start ; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done

Here the output shows the job number of the job, its current status (more on job statuses a bit later) and the job's task specification. If the job has completed, then its exit status will also be shown; for example:

jobber> status 3
job 3 [completed (0)]: echo start ; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done

If the specified job ID is not the ID of an existing job, then an error is reported to the user.

The jobs command prints a report on the current status of all existing jobs in the jobs table; for example:

job 1 [aborted]: foo
job 2 [completed (0)]: sleep 30
job 3 [waiting]: echo start; cat /etc/passwd | grep bash > out ; echo done

Job Status

The status of a job will be one of the following: NEW, WAITING, RUNNING, PAUSED, CANCELED, COMPLETED, ABORTED. Transitions between these states occur according to the following rules:

  • A newly created job starts out in the NEW state.
  • Once a new job has been fully initialized, it transitions to the WAITING state.
  • A job that is WAITING may be assigned a runner process and set to the RUNNING state if the current number of runners is less than MAX_RUNNERS.
  • The user may choose to pause a RUNNING job, in which case the job status is set to PAUSED and the runner's process group is sent a SIGSTOP signal.
  • The user may choose to resume a PAUSED job, in which case the job status is set to RUNNING and the runner's process group is sent a SIGCONT signal.
  • A job whose task exits normally is set to the COMPLETED state.
  • A job whose task terminates as a result of a signal is set to the ABORTED state.
  • The user may choose to cancel a job that is in any state other than CANCELED, COMPLETED, or ABORTED. If the job has not already started, then its status is simply set to ABORTED. If the job has already started, then the job status is set to CANCELED and the runner's process group (if the job has already started) is sent a SIGKILL signal. When the job subsequently terminates, then its state is changed from CANCELED to COMPLETED or ABORTED, according to how termination occured. Note that it is still possible for a job that has been canceled to end up in the COMPLETED state, if the job completed just after the job state was set to CANCELED but before the SIGKILL was delivered to the job runner's process group.

Note that a job may only be expunged if it is in the COMPLETED or ABORTED state.

Signal Handling

The jobber program must install a SIGCHLD handler so that it can be notified immediately upon termination of a job runner process. The handler must appropriately update the job status information and start any further jobs in the jobs table that can now be processed due to the fact that an existing runner has terminated.

:nerd: Note that you will need to use sigprocmask() to block signals at appropriate times, to avoid races between the handler and the main program, the occurrence of which which will result in indeterminate behavior.

The handler you install must be async-signal-safe. Some technicalities regarding the proper way to implement your handler is discussed below.

Reading Input

When a process reads user input, it will normally have to block (wait) until input becomes available. If a signal arrives while the process is blocked, then the read() system call will be interrupted, any handler that has been installed for that signal will run, and then the read() call will return with a "short count". This is all fine, as long as the signal handler can take care of everything that needs to be done regarding the signal that has arrived. However, as it is not safe to call many useful functions inside a signal handler, it is often not possible for a handler to do more than to simply set a flag indicating that a signal has arrived, and to arrange for a separate function to be called to check the flag and handle the signal later from the context of the main program once the actual handler has returned and there are no restrictions on the functions that can be called safely. This creates a problem, though, of how to and when to arrange for this separate function to be called. We would want to call this function before blocking for user input, otherwise it is possible that handling of a signal could be delayed for an arbitrarily long time until input has been provided by the user. On the other hand, if we simply call this separate function immediately before blocking for user input, there will always be a short window of time during which the arrival of a signal can come too late to be noticed before blocking occurs. This race condition could be avoided if we were to mask signals, call the separate function to handle signals that have already arrived, and then block for user input, but we can't exactly do that because then signals would be masked for the entire time that the process is waiting for user input, again making the program unable to respond to signals in a prompt fashion. What we need to be able to do is to mask signals, handle signals that have already arrived, and then atomically unmask signals and block for input. The system call pselect() ("POSIX select") provides this capability. However, even using pselect(), to write a correct, race-free function that can perform user input and yet respond promptly to signals is still somewhat tricky, so I have provided you with such a function, called sf_readline().

You must use the provided function sf_readline() as the method of reading input from the user. The interface that this function provides is essentially that of a simplified version of the GNU readline() function, but you must not use GNU readline() because the implementation of that function does not properly support race-free, safe, prompt signal handling. The sf_readline() function will call back to a handler function that you specify in order to handle signals just before blocking to await user input. The handler function should be specified during program initialization by calling the function sf_set_readline_signal_hook() and passing the handler function as a parameter. Blocking within sf_readline() is done using pselect() as described above to eliminate the short window during which a signal could arrive but not be processed until after user input has been provided. Your actual signal handlers (installed using signal() or sigaction()) should be async-signal-safe functions that simply set a flag indicating that a signal has arrived. The actual handling of the signals should be done in the separate handler function that you implement, which will be called back from sf_readline().

Parsing Task Specifications

One of the functions that jobber needs to perform is to parse task specifications input by the user, into a form that can be used by the runner process to execute the task. Although it is an important skill to be able to write simple parsers like the one required here, it is not the main point of the assignment and from previous experience I have found that students tend to get waylaid by it and don't get very much done on what is the important part of the assignment; namely, process handling. For this reason, as well as for reasons of uniformity among the assignment submissions, I have provided a function parse_task() which you must use to parse task specifications input by the user. The parse_task() function is a simple recursive-descent parser that takes as a parameter a pointer to a variable containing a (char *) pointer to the specification string to be parsed. It attempts to interpret the string as the specification of a task and it returns a pointer to a TASK structure that represents the task. If it cannot interpret the string as a TASK, then NULL is returned. Note that parse_task() will modify both the variable that is passed, as well as the specification string that it points to, so copies must be made if unmodified versions are required after the call to parse_task(). The TASK object that is returned by parse_task() must be freed by the caller using the provided function free_task() when the object is no longer needed.

Executing a Job

To execute a job, you should first create a runner process for that job. As discussed above, there is a limit to the number of runner processes that are permitted to exist at one time, so any given job might have to spend some time in the WAITING state until the number of existing runners has dropped below the limit. The objective of the runner process is to execute the job's task, by arranging for the pipelines that make up that task to be executed in sequence, noticing (using wait(2) or waitpid(2)) whether each pipeline completes or aborts, and then itself either exiting (using exit(3)) or aborting (using abort(3)); in the former case using the exit status of the last pipeline as its own exit status. The runner process should use setpgid(2) to create a new process group, with a process group ID equal to its process ID. This will later enable killpg(2) to send signals to the process group to cause the task to be stopped, continued, or killed. The main program should make use of SIGCHLD signals to notice the termination of runner processes and use waitpid(2) to reap them.

In order to execute a pipeline, the runner process should create a pipeline master process for that pipeline. The pipeline master process will then create one child process for each command in the pipeline, arranging as it does so for the output of each command to be directed via a pipe (see pipe(2) and dup(2)) to the input of the next command in the pipeline. Each command process should use execvp(3) to execute its corresponding command. In addition, the pipeline master will arrange for the first command in the pipeline to take its input from any file that has been specified with an input redirection (see open(2) and dup(2)), and it will arrange for the last command in the pipeline to send its output to any file that has been specified with an output redirection. If any command process in the pipeline aborts (terminates with a signal), then the entire pipeline is determined to have aborted, and the pipeline master will itself abort (again using abort(3)). Any error in setting up the pipeline itself will also be considered reason for the pipeline master to abort. If all command processes in the pipeline complete (exit normally), then the entire pipeline is determined to have completed, and the exit status of the last command in the pipeline will be used as the exit status (using exit(3)) of the pipeline master.

Important: You must create the processes in a task using calls to fork() and execvp(). You must not use the system() function, nor use any form of shell in order to create the pipeline, as the purpose of the assignment is to giving you experience with using the system calls involved in doing this.

Batch Mode

The normal mode of operation of jobber is as an interactive, command-line application. However, it should also work correctly in batch mode, in which standard input has been redirected from a command file, or even from a pipe. You should check that your program does indeed function correctly in this way, because we will use this to either feed your program a predefined command sequence or even to run your program in parallel with a driver program that issues commands and tracks what is happening using the event functions described above.

Functions You Must Implement

As part of your implementation of jobber, you must provide implementations for the following functions, for which more detailed specifications are given in jobber.h:

  • int jobs_init(void) -- Initialize the job spooler.
  • void jobs_fini(void) -- Finalize the job spooler.
  • int jobs_set_enabled(int enabled) -- Set whether jobs can be started.
  • int jobs_get_enabled(void) -- Get whether jobs can be started.
  • int job_create(char *task) -- Create a new job.
  • int job_expunge(int jobid) -- Expunge a job.
  • int job_cancel(int jobid) -- Attempt to cancel a job.
  • int job_pause(int jobid) -- Pause a running job.
  • int job_resume(int jobid) -- Resume a paused job.
  • JOB_STATUS job_get_status(int jobid) -- Get the current status of a job.
  • int job_get_pgid(int jobid) -- Get the process group ID of a job's runner process.
  • int job_get_result(int jobid) -- Get the result (i.e. the exit status) of a job.
  • int job_was_canceled(int jobid) -- Determine if a job was successfully canceled.
  • char *job_get_taskspec(int jobid) -- Get the task specification of a job.

It is important that you adhere exactly to the specifications given, because some of the tests we use in grading will likely be unit tests that call these functions directly.

Event Functions You Must Call

In order to make it possible for us to trace the actions of your program, we have provided several functions that you must call in particular situations. These are:

  • void sf_job_create(int jobid); You must call this function when a new job is created, before the status of the job has changed from NEW. The argument is the job ID of the new job.
  • void sf_job_expunge(int jobid); You must call this function right after a job has been expunged. The argument is the job ID of the job that has been expunged.
  • void sf_job_status_change(int jobid, JOB_STATUS old, JOB_STATUS new); You must call this function any time the status of a job changes. Arguments are the job ID of the job that is changing status, the old status of the job and the new status.
  • void sf_job_start(int jobid, int pgid); You must call this function when a job begins execution. Arguments are the job ID of the job that is being started and the process group ID of the runner assigned to the job.
  • void sf_job_end(int jobid, int pgid, int result); You must call this function at the time a runner process is reaped upon its termination. Arguments are the job ID of the job that has terminated, the process group ID of the runner assigned to the job, and the exit status of the runner process, as returned by waitpid().
  • sf_job_pause(int jobid, int pgid); You must call this function when receipt of a SIGCHLD signal indicates that a job has been paused. Arguments are the job ID of the job that is being started and the process group ID of the runner assigned to the job.
  • sf_job_resume(int jobid, int pgid); You must call this function when receipt of a SIGCHLD signal indicates that a job has been resumed. Arguments are the job ID of the job that is being resumed and the process group ID of the runner assigned to the job.

The above functions are provided to you as an object file that will be linked with your program. As implemented in the basecode, these functions will announce on stderr that they have been called, so that you can verify that you are calling them properly. Should you desire not to see this printout, you can set the global variable sf_suppress_chatter to a nonzero value. When we grade your program, we will replace the basecode implementations of these functions with different versions that will allow us to test whether events are actually occurring in the order they are supposed to be.

Provided Components

The jobber.h Header File

The jobber.h header file that we have provided defines the limits on the number of jobs and runners that can exist at one time, defines the possible states that a job can be in, gives function prototypes for the functions you are to use to report the occurrence of job status changes and other events, and gives function prototypes for the functions that you are to implement.

😱 Do not make any changes to jobber.h. It will be replaced during grading, and if you change it, you will get a zero!

The sf_readline.h Header File and sf_readline.c Source File

The sf_readline.h header file gives function prototypes for the function sf_readline(), which you are to use to read user input, and the function sf_set_readline_signal_hook(), which you are to use to inform sf_readline() about the signal handling function that you write. In addition, a related function type signal_hook_func_t is defined. The sf_readline.c source file contains implementations of the functions whose prototypes are given in sf_readline.h.

😱 Do not make any changes to sf_readline.h or sf_readline.c. They will be replaced during grading, and if you change them, you risk getting a zero!

The task.h Header File and task.c Source File

The task.h header file gives function prototypes for the functions parse_task(), which you should use to parse task descriptions entered by the user, unparse_task(), which you may use to print out a task specification, and a function free_task() which you must use to free a TASK object returned by parse_task() when it is no longer required. The task.h header file also contains type definitions for types TASK, PIPELINE, PIPELINE_LIST, COMMAND, COMMAND_LIST, and WORD_LIST, which are used to represent the parsed tasks returned by parse_task(). You will need to refer to these type definitions in order to traverse a task and execute it.

😱 Do not make any changes to task.h or task.c. They will be replaced during grading, and if you change them, you risk getting a zero!

The sf_event.o Object File

The sf_event.o object file contains implementations of the functions that you are to call upon occurrence of various events (see Event Functions above). This file will be linked with your program. As indicated above, the basecode implementation simply prints a message on stderr each time one of the functions is called. During grading, we will replace this implementation with a different one, which will help us to automatically track the actions of your program.

The demo/jobber Executable

To help answer questions about what you are expected to implement, I have included a demonstration version of the program as demo/jobber. You should be able to run it simply by typing demo/jobber. If git does not preserve the file permissions, it might be necessary to set execute permission on it using the command chmod u+x demo/jobber.

😱 The behavior of the demo program should be regarded as an example implementation only, not a specification. If there should be any discrepancy between the behavior of the demo program and what it says either in this document or in the specifications in the header files, the latter should be regarded as authoritative.

Hand-in instructions

As usual, make sure your homework compiles before submitting. Test it carefully to be sure that doesn't crash or exhibit "flaky" behavior due to race conditions. Use valgrind to check for memory errors and leaks. Besides --leak-check=full, also use the option --track-fds=yes to check whether your program is leaking file descriptors because they haven't been properly closed. You might also want to look into the valgrind --trace-children and related options.

Submit your work using git submit as usual. This homework's tag is: hw4.


A job spooler program, called `jobber`, that accepts user requests to spool tasks for execution, cancel jobs, pause and resume jobs, show the status of jobs, and expunge terminated jobs from the system.






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