This action runs cp-all-in-one, a Docker Compose for Confluent Platform. See Confluent documentation for details.
: up to which service in the docker-compose.yml file to run. Default is none, so all services are rungithub-branch-version
: which GitHub branch of cp-all-in-one to run. Default islatest
: cp-all-in-one (based on Confluent Server) or cp-all-in-one-community (based on Apache Kafka)
Example to run ZooKeeper and Confluent Server on Confluent Platform 7.1.0
- name: Run Confluent Platform (Confluent Server)
uses: ybyzek/cp-all-in-one-action@v0.2.1
service: broker
github-branch-version: 7.1.0-post
Example to run all Apache Kafka services on latest
- name: Run Confluent Platform (Confluent Server)
uses: ybyzek/cp-all-in-one-action@v0.2.1
type: cp-all-in-one-community
To connect to services in Docker, refer to the following ports:
- ZooKeeper: 2181
- Kafka broker: 9092
- Kafka broker JMX: 9101
- Confluent Schema Registry: 8081
- Kafka Connect: 8083
- Confluent Control Center: 9021
- ksqlDB: 8088
- Confluent REST Proxy: 8082
Example usage at