A python app for visualizing class diagrams of a Frappe App's doctypes using PlantUML
$ pip install frappeviz
$ frappeviz [-h] [--output output-dir] [--format {txt,img,all}]
- -h: help
- --output / -o: output directory
- --format / -f: Output format (txt | img | all)
- frappe directory
$ frappeviz path/to/frappe/app/dir -o /path/to/output/dir -f img
>>> from frappeviz import generate_uml
>>> generate_uml('path/to/frappe/app/dir', '/path/to/output/dir' 'img')
The UML for each module in the app is generated in separate files (PlantUML text and .png images) that shares the same name as the app's respective modules.
Tested on the following OS:
- Ubuntu OS
- macOS