Vagrant CentOS 7 (SELinux disabled) virtualbox, salt-stack provisioned, for nginx uwsgi flask python app
Github repo:
vagrant plugin install landrush
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Used as a mini-dns server to host dns entry to IP
vagrant up
- Utilises master-less saltstack minion for provisioning and configuring the Guest OS (CentOS 7.3 with SELinux disabled)
- Salt Minion configuration is stored in salt/minion and synchronised into Guest OS and used to trigger minion salt high-state
- App is cloned/installed into /webapps/kmk using Unix user 'kmk' belonging to 'nginx' Unix UserGroup
- Utilises uwsgi to host and run python flaskapp via virtualenvwrapper as user 'kmk' (Installed as Systemd service unit kmk-uwsgi)
- Nginx provides the web server that listens on port 80 and bridges/serves request on location / to uwsgi socket running on /run/kmk/uwsgi.sock
- /run/kmk/uwsgi.sock is kmk:nginx owned with file mode 660 and forwards/returns requests/response to/from nginx to flaskapp
- Systemd service init files for both nginx and uwsgi is configured to Restart=always for auto-service recovery on unexpected failures
- Guest OS System Time is set to UTC
- uwsgi app logs are written to /var/log/kmk/uwsgi.log and is logrotated daily (with 30 backlog gzipped copies)
- nginx access and error logs are written to /var/log/nginx/access.log and /var/log/nginx/error.log and is logrotated daily (with 30 backlog gzipped copies)
- Guest OS packages are updated to the latest on initial vagrant up before any salt states are activated
- .git directory and .gitignore file is sanitised post git clone from
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