A simple implementation of a HTML/XML DOM tree which allows simple operations like querying by CSS selectors, makes dealing with XML files less painful.
extern crate rquery;
use rquery::Document;
fn main() {
let document = Document::new_from_xml_file("tests/fixtures/sample.xml").unwrap();
let title = document.select("title").unwrap();
assert_eq!(title.text(), "Sample Document");
assert_eq!(title.attr("ref").unwrap(), "main-title");
let item_count = document.select_all("item").unwrap().count();
assert_eq!(item_count, 2);
let item_titles = document.select_all("item > title").unwrap()
.map(|element| element.text().clone())
.join(", ");
assert_eq!(item_titles, "Another Sample, Other Sample");