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PHP Paginator with Pager Widget (pure PHP, CI, Yii, Laravel support)


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php Pagination

PHP Paginator with Pager Widget (pure PHP, CI, Yii, Laravel support)

Latest Stable Version License


  • Compatible with pure PHP, Codeigniter, Yii & Laravel

  • SOLID principle with Yii 2 pattern like

  • Pagination Widget (View Block) included



PDO with pure PHP

// Get count of data set first
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `table`"; 
$count = $conn->query($sql)->fetchColumn(); 

// Initialize a Data Pagination with previous count number
$pagination = new \yidas\data\Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $count,

// Get range data for the current page
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT {$pagination->offset}, {$pagination->limit}"; 
$sth = $conn->prepare($sql);
$data = $sth->fetchAll();

Codeiginter 3 Framework

$query = $this->db->where('type', 'C');

// Clone same query for get total count
$countQuery = clone $query;

// Get total count from cloned query
// Or you could use count_all_results('', false) to keep query instead of using `clone`
$count = $countQuery->count_all_results();

// Initialize a Data Pagination with previous count number
$pagination = new \yidas\data\Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $count,

// Get range data for the current page
$records = $query

Widget Render

    'pagination' => $pagination

$pagination is the object of yidas\data\Pagination.


This library requires the following:

  • PHP 5.4.0+


Run Composer in your project:

composer require yidas/pagination

Then initialize it at the bootstrap of application such as config file:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Codeigniter 3

Run Composer in your Codeigniter project under the folder \application:

composer require yidas/pagination

Check Codeigniter application/config/config.php:

$config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE;

You could customize the vendor path into $config['composer_autoload']


The simple config and usage could refer to Demonstration.

When you are dealing with pagination, you could new yidas\data\Pagination with configuration to get pager information for data query. For example:

// Get total rows from your query
$count = $query->count();
// Initialize a Data Pagination
$pagination = new \yidas\data\Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $count,
    'pergpage' => 10,
// ...use $pagination offset/limit info for your query

For more parameters, you could refer to API Documentation.


You could build your application data Pagination with styles Inherited from yidas\data\Pagination. For example:

namespace yidas\data;

use yidas\data\Pagination as BasePagination;

class Pagination extends BasePagination
    // Name of the parameter storing the current page index
    public $pageParam = 'page';
    // The number of items per page
    public $perPage = 10;
    // Name of the parameter storing the page size
    // false to turn off per-page input by client
    public $perPageParam = false;


When there are too much data to be displayed on a single page, a common strategy is to display them in multiple pages and on each page only display a small portion of the data. This strategy is known as pagination.

This library uses a yidas\data\Pagination object to represent the information about a pagination scheme. In particular,

  • total count specifies the total number of data items. Note that this is usually much more than the number of data items needed to display on a single page.
  • page size specifies how many data items each page contains. The default value is 20.
  • current page gives the current page number (not zero-based). The default value is 1, meaning the first page.

With a fully specified yidas\data\Pagination object, you can retrieve and display data partially. For example, if you are fetching data from a database, you can specify the OFFSET and LIMIT clause of the DB query with the corresponding values provided by the pagination. Below is an example:

 * Yii 2 Framework sample code
use yidas\data\Pagination;

// build a DB query to get all articles with status = 1
$query = Article::find()->where(['status' => 1]);

// get the total number of articles (but do not fetch the article data yet)
$count = $query->count();

// create a pagination object with the total count
$pagination = new Pagination(['totalCount' => $count]);

// limit the query using the pagination and retrieve the articles
$articles = $query->offset($pagination->offset)


To facilitate building the UI element that supports pagination, This library provides the yii\widgets\Pagination widget that displays a list of page buttons upon which users can click to indicate which page of data should be displayed. The widget takes a pagination object so that it knows what is the current page and how many page buttons should be displayed. For example,

use yidas\widgets\Pagination;

echo  Pagination::widget([
    'pagination' => $pagination

$pagination is a yidas\data\Pagination object for data provider.

Customized View

The default widget view is for Bootstrap(bootstrap), you could choose a template view for your Pagination Widget:

echo  \yidas\widgets\Pagination::widget([
    'pagination' => $pagination,
    'view' => 'simple',
Template Description
bootstrap Default view, supports for Bootstrap 3 and 4
simple Simple <div> with <a> tags for pure HTML/CSS style

You can also use your customized view for Pagination widget:

echo  \yidas\widgets\Pagination::widget([
    'pagination' => $pagination,
    'view' => __DIR__ . '/../widgets/pagination_view.php',


You could build your application Pagination Widget with styles Inherited from yidas\widgets\Pagination. For example:


namespace app\widgets;

use yidas\widgets\Pagination as BaseWidget;

 * Pagination Widget
class Pagination extends BaseWidget
    // Set the Widget pager is center align or not   
    public $alignCenter = false;
    // Maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed   
    public $buttonCount = 7;

    // The text label for the "first" page button
    public $firstPageLabel = '<i class="fa fa-step-backward" aria-hidden="true"></i>';

    // The text label for the "last" page button
    public $lastPageLabel = '<i class="fa fa-step-forward" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
    // The text label for the "next" page button
    public $nextPageLabel = '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
    // The text label for the "previous" page button
    public $prevPageLabel = '<i class="fa fa-caret-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
    // <ul> class. For example, 'pagination-sm' for Bootstrap small size.
    public $ulCssClass = '';

Build URL

If you want to build UI element manually, you may use yidas\data\Pagination::createUrl() to create URLs that would lead to different pages. The method requires a page parameter and will create a properly formatted URL containing the page parameter. For example:

// ex.
// displays:
echo $pagination->createUrl(100);

// ex.
// displays:
echo $pagination->createUrl(101);

The formatted URL pattern is //{current-host-uri}{parameters-with-pagination}

You could also build a per-page setting URL for changing per-page when perPageParam is set:

// ex.
// displays:
echo $pagination->createUrl(1, 50);


PDO with Pure PHP

$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database", 'username', 'password');

// Get count of data set first
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `table`"; 
$count = $conn->query($sql)->fetchColumn(); 

// Initialize a Data Pagination with previous count number
$pagination = new \yidas\data\Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $count,

// Get range data for the current page
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT {$pagination->offset}, {$pagination->limit}"; 
$sth = $conn->prepare($sql);
$data = $sth->fetchAll();


LinkPager display:

echo yidas\widgets\Pagination::widget([
    'pagination' => $pagination

Codeiginter 3 Framework

Codeiginter 3 Framework with yidas/codeigniter-model:


$query = $this->Post_model->find()
    ->where('type', 'C');
// Clone same query for get total count
$countQuery = clone $query;

// Get total count from cloned query
// Or you could use count(false) to keep query instead of using `clone`
$count = $countQuery->count();

// Initialize a Data Pagination with previous count number
$pagination = new \yidas\data\Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $count,

// Get range data for the current page
$records = $query

LinkPager in view:

    'pagination' => $pagination


Data Pagination

Public Property Type Description
$limit integer The limit of the data
$offset integer The offset of the data
$page integer The current page number (zero-based). The default value is 1, meaning the first page.
$pageCount integer Number of pages
$pageParam string Name of the parameter storing the current page index, default value is page
$perPage integer The number of items per page, default value is 20
$perPageParam string Name of the parameter storing the page size, default value is per-page
$perPageLimit array The per page number limits. The first array element stands for the minimal page size, and the second the maximal page size, default value is [1, 50]
$params array Parameters (name => value) that should be used to obtain the current page number and to create new pagination URLs
$totalCount integer Total number of items
$validatePage boolean Whether to check if $page is within valid range

Widget Pagination

Public Property Type Description
$alignCenter boolean Set the Widget pager is center align or not, default value is true
$buttonCount integer Maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed, default value is
$pagination yidas\data\Pagination The data pagination object that this pager is associated with
$firstPageLabel string The text label for the "first" page button, default value is First
$lastPageLabel string The text label for the "last" page button, default value is Last
$nextPageLabel string The text label for the "next" page button, default value is Next
$prevPageLabel string The text label for the "previous" page button, default value is Prev
$firstPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "first" page button
$lastPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "last" page button
$nextPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "next" page button
$prevPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "previous" page button
$pageCssClass string The CSS class for the each page button, default value is page-item
$ulCssClass string The CSS class for the ul element of pagination. For example, 'pagination-sm' for Bootstrap small size.
$linkAttributes array HTML attributes for the link in a pager container tag, default value is ['class' => 'page-link']
$view string The view name or absolute file path that can be used to render view. (Template view choices)


Yii 2 PHP Framework - Displaying Data: Pagination

Yii 2 PHP Framework - Class yii\data\Pagination