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The Elegant Neovim Configuation

📰 Brief

Clean and modularized neovim config files.


  • NeoVim 0.6.0+

🔧 Tools

  • Install nodejs for coc extension
  • Install ctag for function/class/variable list
  • Install figlet for inputing text ASCII art
  • Install win32yank for WSL
    • Download it on Windows and add it to PATH of Windows.

🗺️ Keyboard Shortcuts

Basic Mappings

Shortcut Effect
<C-q> Quit
<A-q> Auit all windows
C-s save current file

Additional Cursor Movement

Shortcut Effect
H Cursor to the start of the line
L Cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl k Move the view port up 5 lines without moving the cursor
Ctrl j Move the view port down 5 lines without moving the cursor
h Move to the end of this word
W Move cursor five words forward
B Move cursor five words forward

🗺️ Window Management

Create Window Through Split Screen

Shortcut Effect
s k Create a new horizontal split screen and place it above the current window
s j Create a new horizontal split screen and place it below the current window
s l Create a new vertical split screen and place it left to the current window
s h Create a new vertical split screen and place it right to the current window
c v Set the two splits to be vertical
c h Set the two splits to be horizontal
c r v Rotate splits and arrange splits vertically
c r h Rotate splits and arrange splits horizontally

Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows

Shortcut Effect
SPACE + w Move cursor to the next window
SPACE + l Move cursor one window left
SPACE + h Move cursor one window right
SPACE + k Move cursor one window up
SPACE + j Move cursor one window down

Resizing Different Windows

Shortcut Effect
Alt h Vertical resize -3
Alt j Resize +3
Alt k Resize -3
Alt l Vertical resize -3

🗺️ Tab Management

Shortcut Effect
t b Create a new tab
t h Go one tab left
t l Go one tab right
t m h Move tab left
t m l Move tab right

🔌 Plugins Keybindings


Shortcut Effect
gD Go to definition
gh List references
K Show documentation
SPACE r n Rename a variable
SPACE c f Format selected
Shift Tab Previous Cursor position in snippet
Tab Next Cursor position in snippet
t s Translate word under cursor

Text Editing Plugins

Shortcut Effect
SPACE t m Toggle table mode
Shortcut Effect
SPACE + u Open Undotree
j Newer Version
k Older Version

In markdown files, type :Gen then tab, you'll see your options.

Find and Replace

Shortcut Effect
SPACE + f Search or replace

Git Related

Shortcut Effect
SPACE g p Show git hunk at current line
SPACE g k Go to previous git hunk
SPACE g j Go to next git hunk
SPACE g f Fold everything except hunks


Shortcut Effect
g y toggle Goyo

Press t x and enter your text.

tx Hello<Enter>

 _   _      _ _
| | | | ___| | | ___
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \
|  _  |  __/ | | (_) |
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/

Custom Snippets


Shortcut What it creates
,n ---
,b Bold text
,s sliced text
,i italic text
,d code block
,c big block of code
,m - [ ] check mark
,p picture
,k link
,1 # H1
,2 ## H2
,3 ### H3
,4 #### H4
,5 ##### H5
,6 ###### H6
SPACE m1 Turn to # H1
SPACE m2 Turn to ## H2
SPACE m3 Turn to ### H3
SPACE m4 Turn to #### H4
SPACE m5 Turn to ##### H6
SPACE m5 Turn to ###### H6
,l --------
,t current time

,f to go to the next <++> (placeholder).

,w to go to the next <++> (placeholder) and then press Enter for you.

❤️ Thanks to


Clean and modularized neovim config files.








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