Database driver with extended features like mysql changelog/oplog, connection auto release.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
// init
const client = sqlx.createClient()
const DB_CONFIG = {
type: 'mongodb',
config: {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test?maxPoolSize=30'
extend: {
find: function(...args) {
let table = args[0]
if (table !== 'test') {
throw new Error('Invalid table!')
this.constructor.prototype.find.apply(this, args)
const USER_CONFIG = {
user: 'root',
actions: '*'
client.define('test', DB_CONFIG)
const conn = client.getConnection(USER_CONFIG)
// catch error
try {
await conn.find('not-test', {limit: 1}, {fileds_1: 'context'})
} catch (err) {
assert(err.message.match(/Invalid table/))
// usage
let doc = {fields_1: 'hello'}
let result = await conn.insert('test', doc)
assert.equal(result.affected_rows, 1)
assert.equal([0].fields_1, 'hello')
result = await conn.find('test', {fields_1: 'hello'})
assert.equal(result.rows[0].fields_1, 'hello')
the demo is in the following documents.
database driver with extended features.
- mysql
- mongodb
- redis
- define custom function to use any database or service
- changelog/oplog
- auto release timeout connection
- read-write access control
Method | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis |
select | √ | √ | √ |
selectEx | √ | × | × |
insert | √ | √ | √ |
update | √ | √ | √ |
delete | √ | √ | √ |
find | × | √ | × |
aggregate | × | √ | × |
count | × | √ | × |
findOneAndUpdate | × | √ | × |
const sqlx = require('sqlx')
const client = sqlx.createClient({
connection_timeout: 1000, // destroy connection on timeout
logAction: logAction, // if a log function is provided,
// the function will be called everytime a action
// is done with a object describing this action.
// client.define(table, config_or_interface)
client.define(['table1'], config1)
client.define(['table2'], config2)
client.define('logic_table3', InterfaceOne)
client.define('logic_table4', InterfaceTwo)
client.define('*', config3) // match all other tables
// for changelog
var operator_info = {
user: '101,23',
actions: [ // action whitelist
const conn = client.getConnection(operator_info)
// callback
conn.insert('table7', {a:1, b:2}, function(err, rows, info) {
if (err) throw err
console.log(rows, info)
// Promise/async/await
let result
try {
result = await conn.insert('table7', {a:1, b:2})
console.log(result.rows) // rows
console.log( // info
} catch (err) {
throw err
operator_info.actions = '*' // allow all
operator_info.actions = ['select'] // allow: select
var config1 = {
type: 'mysql',
config: {
host: '',
database: 'db1'
user: 'root',
password: '',
var config2 = {
type: 'mysql',
config: {
host: '',
database: 'db2'
user: 'root',
password: '',
var config2 = {
type: 'redis',
config: {
host: '',
port: '6379'
const InterfaceOne = {
// All methods are optional
// Do NOT change definition of any method
initialize: function(callback) {
// 1. 'initialize' is called whenever client.define is called
// 2. 'this' is created whenever 'initialize' is called
// 3. 'this' is shared between all methods of InterfaceOne
this._client = require('some-db-drvier').createClient({
config1: 'value1',
config2: 'value2',
this._client.on('connected', callback)
selectEx: function(table, query, callback) { },
insert: function(table, sets, callback) { },
delete: function(table, where, callback) { },
update: function(table, sets, where, callback) { },
select: function(table, fields, where, callback) { },
release: function() {},
const InterfaceTwo = {
select: function(table, fields, where, callback) {
const request = require('request')
var p = {
url: '',
method: 'post',
json: true,
body: {
field: fields,
query: where,
request(p, function(err, res, body) {
// callback must be called with 3 parameters! callback(err, rows, info)
callback(err, body.rows, null)
// callback
conn.selectEx( // mysql only
/* table */ 'table0',
/* custom sql */ 'select ... join ...where field1 = ? and field2 = ?',
/* where */ [1,2]
function(err, rows, info) {
/* table */ 'table1',
/* set */ {field1: 20},
function(err, rows, info) {
/* table */ 'table2',
/* set */ {field1: 20},
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
/* table */ 'table3',
/* field */ ['field1', 'field2'],
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
/* table */ 'table3',
/* field */ 'field1',
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
/* table */ 'table4',
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
conn.find( // mongodb only
/* table */ 'table5',
/* opt */ {fields: ['field1'], skip: 10, sort: 'field1'},
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
conn.aggregate( // mongodb only
/* table */ 'table5',
/* opt */ {skip: 10, sort: 'name'},
/* pipe */ [
{$match: {field1: {$regex: /[a-z]*/}}},
{$sort: {field1: -1}},
function(err, rows, info) {
conn.count( // mongodb only
/* table */ 'table5',
/* opt */ {skip: 10, limit: 50},
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
conn.findOneAndUpdate( // mongodb only
/* table */ 'table5',
/* opt */ {skip: 10},
/* sets */ {field1: 20},
/* where */ {field1: 10},
function(err, rows, info) {
// Promise/async/await
let result
try {
result = await conn.insert(
/* table */ 'table0',
/* set */ {field1: 20})
console.log(result.rows) // rows
console.log( // info
} catch (err) {
throw err
// other functions also works.
where is mongo-like JSON object, examples:
// a == 1 || b == 2
{ $or: {a:1, b:2} }
let config_with_extend = {
type: 'mysql',
config: {
host: '',
database: 'db1'
user: 'root',
password: '',
extend: {
insert: function(table, sets, callback) {
if (sets === undefined) {
return callback(new Error('find some error before call sqlx'))
this.constructor.prototype.insert.apply(this, args)
let config_with_extend = {
type: 'mongodb',
config: {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test?maxPoolSize=30',
extend: {
find: function(...args) {
if (where === undefined) {
throw new Error('find some error before call sqlx')
this.constructor.prototype.find.apply(this, args)
git clone
cd node-sqlx
npm i
npm test