This project is a frontend-focused single page application that contains very simple Express.js server act as an api server. Client tech stack is React, Redux and Webpack and is the main showcase of the project.
After cloning the repository (or download it), install dependancies.
npm install
Install babel-cli to build this project
npm install -g babel-cli
Test Command
npm run test
Start server in develop mode (source-map). Then go to url http://localhost:3000
npm run start:dev
Start server in production mode (minified and uglified). Then go to url http://localhost:3000
npm run start
Page layout according to wireframe
randomly return 'LONDON' or 'LIVERPOOL'
returns products depending on location
Shows the review of basket products. Click "back" button to go back.
If any of the action is unsuccessful, a popup will show on the bottom of the screen.
The tests are not exhaustive. Using Mocha, Chai and jsdom to test actions, async actions (sagas) and reducers.