Docker container image with DokuWiki and nginx
Assume your docker host is localhost and HTTP public port is 8000 (change these values if you need).
First, run new dokuwiki container:
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
Then setup dokuwiki using installer at URL http://localhost:8000/install.php
To make sure data won't be deleted if container is removed, create an empty container named dokuwiki-data
and attach DokuWiki container's volumes to it. Volumes won't be deleted if at least one container owns them.
# create data container
docker run --volumes-from dokuwiki --name dokuwiki-data busybox
# now you can safely delete dokuwiki container
docker stop dokuwiki && docker rm dokuwiki
# to restore dokuwiki, create new dokuwiki container and attach dokuwiki-data volume to it
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --volumes-from dokuwiki-data --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
Dokuwiki installs plugins to lib/plugins/
, but this folder isn't inside persistent volume storage by default, so all plugins will be erased when container is re-created. The recommended way to make plugins persistent is to create your own Docker image with istepanov/dokuwiki
as a base image and use shell commands inside the Dockerfile to install needed plugins.
Example (install Dokuwiki ToDo plugin):
FROM istepanov/dokuwiki
MAINTAINER Ilya Stepanov <>
# this is an example Dockerfile that demonstrates how to add Dokuwiki plugins to istepanov/dokuwiki image
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y unzip && \
apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
# add todo plugin
RUN curl -O -L "" && \
unzip -d /var/www/lib/plugins/ && \
mv /var/www/lib/plugins/dokuwiki-plugin-todo-stable /var/www/lib/plugins/todo && \
rm -rf
# create dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz archive in current directory using temporaty container
docker run --rm --volumes-from dokuwiki -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar zcvf /backup/dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz /var/dokuwiki-storage
Note: only these folders are backed up:
#create new dokuwiki container, but don't start it yet
docker create -p 8000:80 --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
# create data container for persistency (optional)
docker run --volumes-from dokuwiki --name dokuwiki-data busybox
# restore from backup using temporary container
docker run --rm --volumes-from dokuwiki -w / -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar xzvf /backup/dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz
# start dokuwiki
docker start dokuwiki