- Based on AlexNet, designed 5 different CNNs models for different types of inputs, use Adam method to train our models. Though experiments, analyzed the performance of our CNNs models and the effect of adding depth information.
model 0
input channel: color(rgb)
model 1
input channel: color(rgb) + depth
model 2
input channel: color(rgb) + hha
model 3
input channel: color(rgb) + depth + hha
model 4
input channel: hha
- To explore the mechanism of CNNs models, visualized the weights. Besides, we use a technique to compute a class saliency map, specific to a given scene image and class. And Observed the salience maps to study the attentions of scene recognition.
The experiments show that the CNNs models have higher accuracies than the traditional computer vision methods, and adding depth information can improve accuracies. The visualization of CNNs models and the class salience maps can further help us design better CNNs architectures and select appropriate features for scene recognition.
Network Architecture: AlexNet
Train method: Adam method
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