released this
14 Nov 19:16
New features
feat: Support for storing SMS privately inside the app by @Bnyro
feat: allow choosing number for sending sms if there are multiple by @Bnyro
feat: display contact address as tooltip in sms thread screen by @Bnyro
feat: support dual sim SMS by @SuhasDissa
feat: show confirmation dialgos before deleting sms/thread by @Bnyro
feat: send sms to numbers that are not part of a contact by @Bnyro
feat: save individual contact directly to file by @Bnyro
feat(sms): display contact profile picture if available by @Bnyro
feat(sms): support for deleting message via notification by @Bnyro
feat: show timestamp in notification of received SMS by @Bnyro
feat: highlight links/email/phone in sms threads by @SuhasDissa
Style changes
style: improve appearance of input to send sms by @Bnyro
style: add more elevation to messages written by user by @Bnyro
style: improve sms threads screen item appearance by @Bnyro
style: contacts page redesign by @Bnyro
style: use bold text for contact icons by @Bnyro
style: update launcher icons by @M00NJ
refactor: cleanup switch preference code and fix UI issues by @Bnyro
chore(readme): update description by @M00NJ
chore(fastlane): update description by @M00NJ
chore: add GH sponsors badge by @Bnyro
chore: remove Accrescent badge from readme by @Bnyro
chore: migrate gradle scripts to kotlin dsl by @Jean-BaptisteC
chore(readme): fix typo (built -> built) by @Bnyro
chore(fastlane): update app icon by @M00NJ
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