This is a php ORM i created while studying. it uses pdo to connect with mysql and sqlite databases.
The configuration od the database is in the file config/config.ini
- Database driver: sqlite or mysql ==> driver = sqlite
- Database Name ==> schema = dbName
- if driver is mysql ==>
- Database host ==> host = localhost
- Database username ==> username = root
- Database password ==> password = password
driver = sqlite
schema = db
host = localhost
username = root
password = pwd
run this command on the terminal
php generateDb
Tables are represented by PHP classes that extends from Model class table name should be specified in attribute called $table.
The primary key can be specefied in attribute called $primaryKey, or without specifing it the ORM generate one by default id autoincrement integer.
Columns and constraints can be specified as comments on the class.
Associations between tables:
- Has many: function inside it return $this->has_many(Class::class, "ForeignColumn");
- Belongs To: function inside it return $this->belongs_to(Class::class, "ForeignColumn");
use Helloquent\Model;
class Person extends Model
// name TEXT
// age INTEGER
// role TEXT
protected static $table = "people";
public function cars()
return $this->has_many(Car::class, "id_person");
use Helloquent\Model;
class Car extends Model
// matricule TEXT
// type TEXT
// model INTEGER
// id_person INTEGER
protected static $table = "cars";
protected static $primaryKey = "matricule";
public function person()
return $this->belongs_to(Person::class, "id_person");
run this command on the terminal (this command can also create sqlite database)
php generateDbTables
return primary key value if its inserted otherwise it return -1
$youssef = new Person();
$youssef->name = "Youssef BAHI";
$youssef->age = 24;
$youssef->role = "ORM Creator";
if($youssef->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($youssef->getData()) . "<br>";
$person1 = new Person();
$person1->name = "John Doe";
$person1->age = 100;
$person1->role = "Example";
echo "<br>Person added Id: " . $person1->insert() . "<br>";
$otherWayToConstructObject = new Person([
"name" => "Dohn Joe",
"age" => 69,
"role" => "other Way To Construct Object"
if ($otherWayToConstructObject->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($otherWayToConstructObject->getData()) . "<br>";
All Table Data: Table::all();
return array of Table objects
return when primary key === 1Table::first(["column", "condition", "value"]);
return first from conditionTable::first([["column1", "condition1", "value1"],["column2", "condition2", "value2"],...]);
return first from the conditions
Table::find(["column", "condition", "value"]);
return array from conditionTable::find([["column1", "condition1", "value1"],["column2", "condition2", "value2"],...]);
return array from the conditions
echo "<br>All people: <br>";
$all = Person::all();
foreach ($all as $value) {
echo json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";
$personId1 = Person::first(1);
echo "<br>Person with id == 1: " . json_encode($personId1->getData()) . "<br>";
$personId2 = Person::first(2);
echo "<br>Person with id == 2: " . json_encode($personId2->getData()) . "<br>";
$firstOver99 = Person::first([["age", ">=", 100]]);
echo "<br>First Person with age >= 100: " . json_encode($firstOver99->getData()) . "<br>";
echo "<br>All people with age >= 69: <br>";
$peopleOver69 = Person::find(["age", ">=", 69]);
foreach ($peopleOver69 as $value) {
echo json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";
return 1 if updated otherwise it return -1
// Add new Person for test
$personToUpdate = new Person();
$personToUpdate->name = "John Doe";
$personToUpdate->age = 100;
$personToUpdate->role = "Example";
if ($personToUpdate->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($personToUpdate->getData()) . "<br>";
$personToUpdate = Person::first($personToUpdate->id);
$personToUpdate->name = "Updated name";
$personToUpdate->age = 50;
$personToUpdate->role = "Updated Example";
if ($personToUpdate->update() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person updated: " . json_encode($personToUpdate->getData()) . "<br>";
echo "<br>Getting updated Person : <br>";
$updatedPerson = Person::first($personToUpdate->id);
echo "Updated Person new Data: " . json_encode($updatedPerson->getData()) . "<br>";
return 1 if deleted otherwise it return -1
// Added new Person for test
$personToDelete = new Person();
$personToDelete->name = "John Doe";
$personToDelete->age = 100;
$personToDelete->role = "Example";
if ($personToDelete->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($personToDelete->getData()) . "<br>";
if ($personToDelete->delete() !== -1)
echo "<br>Person Deleted: " . json_encode($personToDelete->getData()) . "<br>";
echo "<br>Getting deleted Person : <br>";
$deletedPerson = Person::first($personToDelete->id);
try {
echo json_encode($deletedPerson->getData()) . "<br>"; // Error because it doesn't exist anymore
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
echo "Error: " . $th->getMessage() . "<br>";
OR $object->foreignObject
return object or array if exists otherwise it return null. (foreignObject is name of method that contains return of has_many or belongs_to)
// Added new car for test
$youssef207 = new Car();
$youssef207->matricule = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5);;
$youssef207->type = "PEUGEOT";
$youssef207->model = 2003;
$youssef207->id_person = $youssef->id;
if ($youssef207->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($youssef207->getData()) . "<br>";
// Added new car for test
$youssefGolf = new Car([
"matricule" => substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5),
"type" => "VW GOLF PLUS",
"model" => 2006,
"id_person" => $youssef->id
if ($youssefGolf->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($youssefGolf->getData()) . "<br>";
// Added new car for test
$personGolf7 = new Car();
$personGolf7->matricule = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5);;
$personGolf7->type = "VW GOLF 7";
$personGolf7->model = 2015;
$personGolf7->id_person = $updatedPerson->id;
if ($personGolf7->insert() !== -1)
echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($personGolf7->getData()) . "<br>";
// Has Many
echo "<br>Getting Youssef Cars: (Has Many)<br>";
foreach ($youssef->cars as $value) {
echo "Car: " . json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";
// Belongs To
echo "<br>Getting Person that has the Golf7: (Belongs To)<br>";
$golf7 = Car::first($personGolf7->matricule);
echo "Person: " . json_encode($golf7->person()->getData()) . "<br>";