A flexible boilerplate (IMO) for Express Typescript using Sequelize as ORM with Docker Support and some scripts to get you started.
This is a personal boilerplate, it follows my personal preference so it may or not fit your project(s).
Node.JS 10.15.0
Sequelize ORM
Docker Support
If you have an instance of a DB then you can go to the next step and connect directly to that instance. If not, then we can easily start up a Docker container with MS SQL
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Pass1234@' -p 1433:1433 -d --name mssql-container mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest
After that, we will access the container and create a new database
docker exec -it mssql-container /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P Pass1234@
1> CREATE DATABASE sql_test_db
2> GO
Copy .env.example
and rename it .env
. Here you will have to fill the database connection data.
If you followed the Setup Database with Docker (Optional) then the connection information should be already set except for the DB_HOST
which may be localhost
if you are using Docker or an IP
if you are using Docker Toolbox.
The project is setup to use MS SQL but Sequelize supports multiple SQL Databases like MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL.
yarn build
yarn dev
If you want to watch changes then run
yarn watch
Using a terminal open in the root folder run
docker build -t <IMAGE-NAME> .
Then you can run the image with
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d <IMAGE-NAME>
I added a Postman Collection so you just have to import the boilerplate-postman-collection.json
in Postman and test the server user's CRUD operations.
This part is just for testing purpose and actually is not require for the boilerplate.
- Fix Docker support
- Add full CRUD
- Add unit testing module
- Improved README