Paper: HGGDP: Homotopic Gradients of Generative Density Priors for MR Image Reconstruction
Authors: Cong Quan, Jinjie Zhou, Yuanzheng Zhu, Yang Chen, Shanshan Wang, Dong Liang*, Qiegen Liu*
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Date : May-22-2021
Version : 1.0
The code and the algorithm are for non-comercial use only.
Copyright 2020, Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Nanchang University.
Deep learning, particularly generative model, has demonstrated tremendous potential to significantly speed up image reconstruction with reduced measurements recently. In this work, by taking advantage of the denoising score matching, deep gradients of generative density priors (HGGDP) are proposed for MRI reconstruction. More precisely, to tackle the low-dimensional manifold and low data density region issues in generative density prior, we estimate the target gradients in higher-dimensional space. We train a more powerful noise conditional score network by forming higher-dimensional tensor as the network input at the training phase. More artificial noise is also injected in the embedding space. At the reconstruction stage, a homotopy method is employed to pursue the density prior, such as to boost the reconstruction performance. Experiment results imply the remarkable performance of HGGDP in terms of high reconstruction accuracy; only 10% of the k-space data can still generate images of high quality as effectively as standard MRI reconstruction with the fully sampled data.
python3 --exe SIAT_TRAIN --config siat_config.yml --checkpoint your save path
python3 --exe SIAT_MULTICHANNEL --config siat_config.yml --model hggdp --test
python3 --exe SIAT_MULTICHANNEL_MODL --config siat_config.yml --model hggdp --test
python3 --exe SIAT_MULTICHANNEL_DDP --config siat_config.yml --model hggdp --test
In order to verify the fairness of the experiment, in the MoDL experiment comparison, we chose the test data, coil sensitivity maps and undersampling mask shared by Aggarwal Orignal MoDL available code[Code]
In the DDP experiment comparison, we chose the test data, coil sensitivity maps, undersampleing patterns and undersampling mask shared by Tezcan Orignal DDP available code[Code]
Performance exhibition of “multi-view noise” strategy. (a) Training sliced score matching (SSM) loss and validation loss for each iteration. (b) Image quality comparison on the brain dataset at 15% radial sampling: Reconstruction images, error maps (Red) and zoom-in results (Green).
Pipeline of sampling from the high-dimensional noisy data distribution with multi-view noise and intermediate samples. (a) Conceptual dia-gram of the sampling on high-dimensional noisy data distribution with multi-view noise. (b) Intermediate samples of annealed Langevin dynamics.
Reconstruction comparison on pseudo radial sampling at acceleration factor 6.7 . Top: Reference, reconstruction by DLMRI, PANO, FDLCP; Bottom: Reconstruction by NLR-CS, DC-CNN, EDAEPRec, HGGDPRec. Green and red boxes illustrate the zoom in results and error maps, respectively.
Complex-valued reconstruction results on brain image at various 1D Cartesian undersampling percentages (R=2, 3). From left to right: Ground-truth, various 1D Cartesian undersampling masks, reconstruction by Zero-Filled, DDP and HGGDPRec.
Complex-valued reconstruction results on brain image at 16.7% 2D random sampling. From left to right: Ground-truth, 6-fold 2D random undersample mask, reconstruction by Zero-Filled, MoDL and HGGDPRec.
RECONSTRUCTION PSNR, SSIM AND HFEN VALUES OF THREE TEST IMAGES AT VARIOUS SAMPLING TRAJECTORIES AND UNDERSAMPLING PER-CENTAGES.We provide pretrained checkpoints. You can download pretrained models from Baidu Drive. key number is "awn0"
In file './test_data_31', 31 complex-valued MRI data with size of 256x256 were acquired by using a 3D fast-spin-echo (FSE) sequence with T2 weighting from a 3.0T whole body MR system (SIEMENS MAGNETOM TrioTim).
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DDP Method Link [DDP Code]
MoDL Method Link [MoDL code]
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