General Papers
- Large-scale linked data integration using probabilistic reasoning and crowdsourcing (VLDB-13) [Paper]
- Corleone: hands-off crowdsourcing for entity matching (SIGMOD-14) [Paper]
- Crowd-Based Deduplication: An Adaptive Approach (SIGMOD-15) [Paper]
- Online Entity Resolution Using an Oracle (PVLDB-16) [Paper]
- Hike: A hybrid human-machine method for entity alignment in large-scale knowledge bases (CIKM-17) [Paper] ✨
- Waldo: AnAdaptive Human Interface for Crowd Entity Resolution (SIGMOD-17) [Paper]
- Falcon: Scaling Up Hands-Off Crowdsourced Entity Matching to Build Cloud Services (SIGMOD-17) [Paper]
- Robust Entity Resolution using Random Graphs (SIGMOD-18) [Paper]
- A partial-order-based framework for cost-effective crowdsourced entity resolution (VLDB-18) [Paper]
- A Demonstration of PERC: Probabilistic Entity Resolution With Crowd Errors (VLDB-18) [Paper, Demo]
- The return of JedAI: End-to-End Entity Resolution for Structured and Semi-Structured Data (VLDB-18) [Paper, Code]
- Crowdsourced collective entity resolution with relational match propagation (ICDE-20) [Paper]
- AuthCrowd: Author Name Disambiguation and Entity Matching using Crowdsourcing (CSCW-21) [Paper]
Quality Control
- Hyper questions: Unsupervised targeting of a few experts in crowdsourcing (CIKM-17) [Paper, Dataset] ✨
- Graph mining meets crowdsourcing: Extracting experts for answer aggregation (IJCAI-19) [Paper] ✨
Human Expertise
- Modeling Topic-Based Human Expertise for Crowd Entity Resolution (Journal of computer science and technology) [Paper]
Task Distribution
- Enabling quality control for entity resolution: A human and machine cooperation framework (ICDE-18) [Paper]
Non-human entity alignment
- OAG: Toward linking large-scale heterogeneous entity graphs (KDD-19) [Paper] ✨
- Knowledge Graph Alignment with Entity-Pair Embedding (EMNLP-20) [Paper] ✨
- Knowledge Graph Alignment Network with Gated Multi-hop Neighborhood Aggregation (AAAI-20) [Paper, Code]
- A Comprehensive Benchmark Framework for Active Learning Methods in Entity Matching (SIGMOD-20) [Paper]
- ZeroER: Entity Resolution using Zero Labeled Examples (SIGMOD-20) [Paper]
- Towards Interpretable and Learnable Risk Analysis for Entity Resolution (SIGMOD-20) [Paper]
- Visual Pivoting for (Unsupervised) Entity Alignment (AAAI-21) [Paper, Code] ✨
- Relation-Aware Neighborhood Matching Model for Entity Alignment (AAAI-21) [Paper, Code]
- Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness for Bert-Based Entity Resolution (AAAI-21) [Paper]
Survey Papers