provides functions for GC/LC-MS data analysis for environmental sciences.
You can either use the stable version of enviGCMS
from CRAN,
or the current development snapshot from this GitHub repository:
Check this vignette for Data analysis of GC-MS and LC-MS in Environmental Science.
Check this vignette for Pooled QC analysis in Environmental Science.
- get the mean and RSD of one sample for 5 technique replicate
# enviGCMS use functions in xcms to import the data, just type the path to your single sample
data1 <- enviGCMS:::getmd(‘sample1-1’)
data2 <- enviGCMS:::getmd(‘sample1-2’)
data3 <- enviGCMS:::getmd(‘sample1-3’)
data4 <- enviGCMS:::getmd(‘sample1-4’)
data5 <- enviGCMS:::getmd(‘sample1-5’)
- get the mean
data <- (data1+data2+data3+data4+data5)/5
- get the standard deviation
datasd <- sqrt(((data1-data)^2+(data2-data)^2+(data3-data)^2+(data4-data)^2+(data5-data)^2)/4)
- get the RSD
databrsd <- datasd/data
- plot the smooth scatter
- plot the heatmap
- plot the mz-rt scatter plot
- plot the boundary model
Detailed usage of those functions in Environmental analysis could be found in this paper and the vignettes in this package.