Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
This is a fork from and
Seems that the maintainer of auto-pairs hasn't been active lately. And resolritter/auto-pairs contains some features that I liked but it's not quite updated. So I decided to combine the two.
All of those features are currently opt-in.
- It uses mappings in order to not have to leave insert mode when jumping between places.
- The jump function can now skip over an arbitrary set of characters (g:AutoPairsJumpCharacters). It has some additional logic to differentiate when jumping inside of a string (g:AutoPairsJump_SkipString), for example:
you can only jump over the parenthesis if your cursor is inside of the string
- It has conditional skipping for some characters (g:AutoPairsDoNotSkip) or it can disable skipping entirely (g:AutoPairsDisableSkip).
- It is able to insert indented newlines after pressing
at the end of the line (g:AutoPairsNewline). - It has some tests to ensure new changes don't break the current behaviour.
Using vim-plug
Plug 'yujinyuz/vim-dyad'
Using dein
call dein#add('yujinyuz/vim-dyad')
Insert in pair
input: [ output: [|]
Delete in pair
input: foo[<BS>] output: foo
Insert new indented line after Return
input: {|} (press <CR> at |) output: { | }
Insert spaces before closing characters, only for [], (), {}
input: {|} (press <SPACE> at |) output: { | } input: {|} (press <SPACE>foo} at |) output: { foo }| input: '|' (press <SPACE> at |) output: ' |'
Skip ' when inside a word
input: foo| (press ' at |) output: foo'
Skip closed bracket.
input: [] output: []
Ignore auto pair when previous character is \
input: "\' output: "\'"
Fast Wrap
input: |'hello' (press (<M-e> at |) output: ('hello') wrap string, only support c style string input: |'h\\el\'lo' (press (<M-e> at |) output ('h\\ello\'') input: |[foo, bar()] (press (<M-e> at |) output: ([foo, bar()])
Quick move char to closed pair
input: (|){["foo"]} (press <M-}> at |) output: ({["foo"]}|) input: |[foo, bar()] (press (<M-]> at |) output: ([foo, bar()]|)
Quick jump to closed pair.
input: { something;| } (press } at |) output: { }|
Support ``` ''' and """
input: ''' output: '''|'''
Delete Repeated Pairs in one time
input: """|""" (press <BS> at |) output: | input: {{|}} (press <BS> at |) output: | input: [[[[[[|]]]]]] (press <BS> at |) output: |
Fly Mode
input: if(a[3) output: if(a[3])| (In Fly Mode) output: if(a[3)]) (Without Fly Mode) input: { hello();| world(); } (press } at |) output: { hello(); world(); }| (then press <M-b> at | to do backinsert) output: { hello();}| world(); } See Fly Mode section for details
Fly Mode will always force closed-pair jumping instead of inserting. only for ")", "}", "]"
If jumps in mistake, could use AutoPairsBackInsert(Default Key: <M-b>
) to jump back and insert closed pair.
the most situation maybe want to insert single closed pair in the string, eg ")"
Fly Mode is DISABLED by default.
add let g:AutoPairsFlyMode = 1 .vimrc to turn it on
Default Options:
let g:AutoPairsFlyMode = 0
let g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert = '<M-b>'
System Shortcuts:
<CR> : Insert new indented line after return if cursor in blank brackets or quotes.
<BS> : Delete brackets in pair
<M-p> : Toggle Autopairs (g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle)
<M-e> : Fast Wrap (g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap)
<M-n> : Jump to next closed pair (g:AutoPairsShortcutJump)
<M-b> : BackInsert (g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert)
If <M-p> <M-e> or <M-n> conflict with another keys or want to bind to another keys, add
let g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle = '<another key>'
to .vimrc, if the key is empty string '', then the shortcut will be disabled.
Default: {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'}
Default: g:AutoPairs Buffer level pairs set.
Default: '<M-p>' The shortcut to toggle autopairs.
Default: '<M-e>' Fast wrap the word. all pairs will be consider as a block (include <>). (|)'hello' after fast wrap at |, the word will be ('hello') (|)<hello> after fast wrap at |, the word will be (<hello>)
Default: '<M-n>' Jump to the next closed pair
Default : 1 Map <BS> to delete brackets, quotes in pair execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
Default : 1 Map <C-h> to delete brackets, quotes in pair
Default : 1 Map <CR> to insert a new indented line if cursor in (|), {|} [|], '|', "|" execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=AutoPairsReturn()<CR>'
Default : 1 When g:AutoPairsMapCR is on, center current line after return if the line is at the bottom 1/3 of the window.
Default : 1 Map <space> to insert a space after the opening character and before the closing one. execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=AutoPairsSpace()<CR>'
Default : 0 set it to 1 to enable FlyMode. see FlyMode section for details.
Default : 1 When you press the key for the closing pair (e.g. `)`) it jumps past it. If set to 1, then it'll jump to the next line, if there is only whitespace. If set to 0, then it'll only jump to a closing pair on the same line.
Default : <M-b> Work with FlyMode, insert the key at the Fly Mode jumped postion
Default: "()[]{}\"'" Map <M-(> <M-)> <M-[> <M-]> <M-{> <M-}> <M-"> <M-'> to move character under the cursor to the pair.
Set b:AutoPairs before BufEnter
" When the filetype is FILETYPE then make AutoPairs only match for parenthesis
au Filetype FILETYPE let b:AutoPairs = {"(": ")"}
The script will remap keys ([{'"}]) <BS>,
If auto pairs cannot work, use :imap ( to check if the map is corrected.
The correct map should be <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert("\(")<CR>
Or the plugin conflict with some other plugins.
use command :call AutoPairsInit() to remap the keys.
How to insert parens purely
There are 3 ways
use Ctrl-V ) to insert paren without trigger the plugin.
use Alt-P to turn off the plugin.
use DEL or x to delete the character insert by plugin.
Swedish Character Conflict
Because AutoPairs uses Meta(Alt) key as shortcut, it is conflict with some Swedish character such as å. To fix the issue, you need remap or disable the related shortcut.
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