This provides an AVR library (header file) for interfacing HD44780, aka 16x2 LCD display with Atmel ATmega32 microcontrollers.
Move the cursor to the required address.
1-line mode, 80 positions
2-line mode, 40 positions in each line
add - address value
Enables the data bus to read/write data through.
Enables the data bus for a short period to
read/write data.
Checks the Busy Flag. (whether and internal
operation is running)
BF - Busy Flag
1 -> an internal excution is taking place
0 -> system is ready to accept/send data
Alter the command bit values of the system.
RS - Register Selection
1 -> select Data Register (DR) for sending/
receiving data. (via D0-D7)
0 -> select Instruction Register (IR) for
sending/recieving commands. (via D0-D7)
R/W - Read/Write mode selection
1 -> function data bus as to Read data from
the system.
0 -> function data bus as to Write data to
the system.
Define pins connected to the LCD as input/output
1 -> pins defined as inputs.
0 -> pins defined as outputs.