The dashboard has been created using Plotly's Dash library. There are 3 options in the dashboard. You can select plot types using radio buttons. In this dashboard I plotted histogram, line and scatter plots of dailyClimate dataframe. You can use another dataframe. But be careful on dataframe's index.
I assume docker is installed on your system. Go to Dockerfile directory and open terminal. Write docker build -t {image_name} .
here with -t you can determine name of the image. After image creation process done you can see images writing docker images
to terminal. Run container docker run -p 8050:8050 {image_name}
. And go to your browser and go to localhost:8050
. If you want docker to run background use detach mode. docker run -d -p 8050:8050 {image_name}
. Additionally image ID can be used instead of image name.
Dataframe that I used in this project.
Create docker image using Dockerfile. Send the image to ECR. On ECS, using ECR image deploy the dockered container. [1]