MooDialog is a MooTools plugin to replace the native alert(), confirm() and promt() javascript functions by more stylish ones. You can use it also for other DOM elements, create an IFrame dialog or even create an Ajax Dialog
First you have to include the javascript files and css file in the head of your html document
<link href="../Source/css/MooDialog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script src="../Source/Overlay.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
And whether functionality you want you use, you have to include, for example, the following files
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Alert.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Request.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Create a alert dialog, a replacement for alert()
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Alert.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Alert(message[,options]);
// example
new MooDialog.Alert('Hi there!');
Create a confirm dialog, a replacement for confirm()
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Confirm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Confirm(message[,fn1,fn2,options]);
// Examaple
new MooDialog.Confirm('Are you sure you want to do this?',function(){
new MooDialog.Alert('You are!')
new MooDialog.Alert('You are not');
Create a confirm dialog if the user really want to follow this link
$('confirmDelete').confirmLinkClick('Are you sure you want to click this link');
Create a confirm dialog if the user try to submit a form
document.getElement('form#myForm').confirmFormSubmit('Do you want to submit this form');'
Create an prompt dialog, replacement for prompt()
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Prompt.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Prompt(message[,fn,options]);
// Example
new MooDialog.Prompt('What is your name?',function(ret){
new MooDialog.Alert('Your name is '+ ret);
Create an error message
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Error.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Error(message);
// Example
new MooDialog.Error('O No, What have you done!?');
Create a dialog from an element
new Element('div',{text: 'This is a custom element'}).MooDialog();
// Or an existing element from the DOM
Create a dialog with an IFrame
new MooDialog.Iframe(url[,options]);
// Example
new MooDialog.Iframe('');
Get the dialog content by a Ajax Request
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Request.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Request(url[,RequestOptions,options]);
// Example
new MooDialog.Request('exampleText.html');
Get an IFrame within the dialog
<script src="../Source/MooDialog.Iframe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
new MooDialog.Iframe(url[,options]);
// Example
new MooDialog.Iframe('');
In every last parameter you can set the following options.
size: {
width: 300,
height: 100
offset: {
x: 0,
y: -100
title: null,
scroll: true,
useEscKey: true,
disposeOnClose: true,
closeButton: true,
closeOnOverlayClick: true,
useScrollBar: true,
fx: {
type: 'tween',
open: 1,
close: 0,
options: {
property: 'opacity',
duration: 400
focus: true, // Only MooDialog.Alert, MooDialog.Confirm,MooDialog.Error and MooDialog.Prompt
okText: 'Ok', // Only MooDialog.Alert, MooDialog.Confirm,MooDialog.Error and MooDialog.Prompt
cancelText: 'Cancel' // Only MooDialog.Confirm /*,
onOpen: $empty,
onClose: $empty,
onShow: $empty,
onHide: $empty*/
- size: (object) The size of the dialog
- offset: (object) Offset of the box
- scroll: (boolean) Use position: fixed css property (there's some code commented for IE6 because it doesn't support position: fixed)
- useEscKey: (boolean) Use the esc key to close the dialog
- disposeOnClose: (boolean) Fire the MooDialog.dispose() method after closing the dialog to dispose the dialog from the DOM
- closeButton: (boolean) Should it diplay a close button
- closeOnOverlayClick: (boolean, default true) Should the dialog close when there is clicked on the Overlay
- useScrollBar: (boolean, default true) Should it display scrollbars when the content is to big for the dialog
- focus: (boolean) Shoud the buttons for MooDialog.Alert, Moodialog.Confirm, MooDialog.Error and MooDialog.Promt be focussed
- fx: (object) Here you can set a object to modify the open and close effect
- type: (string) The type of fx, tween or morph
- open: (mixed) Anything you normally put into Fx.Tween.start() or Fx.Morph.start() to open the dialog
- close: (mixed) Anything you normally put into Fx.Tween.start() or Fx.Morph.start() to close the dialog
- options: (object) The Fx options object
- okText: (string) Only if the dialog has an ok button, you can set its text here
- cancelText: (string) Only if the dialog has an cancel button, you can set its text here
- open: When the dialog gets opend
- show: When the dialog is totally opened
- close: When the dialog gets closed
- hide: When the dialog is totally hidden
var dialog = new MooDialog([options]);
- options: (object) See the options section.
With this method you can set the content of the dialog.
- content: (string,element,number) Put some content into the dialog
- MooDialog instance
Set the position of the dialog
- x: (number) The number of pixels from the left of the screen (exlusive the offset, see options)
- y: (number) The number of pixels from the top of the screen (exlusive the offset, see options)
With this method you open the dialog
With this method you close the dialog
Removes the dialog from the DOM
This method returns the dialog wrapper element
var myDialog = new MooDialog();