- spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3
- Java 17
- GitHub Application ID
- Azure Storage Blob created with ADLS Gen 2
- Service Principal with assigned the Storage Blob Data Contributor role
- Create a file in
with the following contenttoken=<github-api-token> app_id=<github-application-id> account_name=<storage-account-name> directory_id=<directory_id> password=U-l8Q~AcG~Fmy5uTklapyBYzRJkH-aszR68TzbJS
- Run
mvn package
- To store locally (store table in local /tmp/ folder), execute with
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages io.delta:delta-core_2.12:2.2.0 --class SparkIngestMain --master 'local[4]' ~/github-events-ingest/target/github-events-ingest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -o microsoft
- To store in remote location specified in settings.conf, run with added
-e prod
If spark-submit complaints about missing jars, add them manually to jars folder of your spark submit