An example which demonstrates Client/Server integration and "oneway" asynchronous jobs of Thrift
- Example.thrift : Thrift Definition file for a service which returns current timestamp and an asynchronous job
- client/ : Python Client which connects to server localhost:9090 and call methods
- client/PhpClientSocket.php : PHP Client which connects to server localhost:9090 and call methods
- client/PhpClientHttp.php : PHP client which connects to an HTTP server which runs on localhost:80 (Note that oneway method doesnt work for PHP HTTP server)
- server/ : Python server which runs on localhost:9090
- server/PhpServerHttp.php : PHP server which runs on localhost:80 (Note that oneway method doesnt work for PHP HTTP server)
- gen-php : Files generated from Example.thrift using 'thrift --gen php:server Example.thrift'
- gen-py : Files generated from Example.thrift using 'thrift --gen py Example.thrift'
- lib : Thrift library files
This is the example service DDL, which has 2 methods. One to return current time stamp synchronously and one to make a job which takes 10 seconds but work asynchronously
namespace php Example
service Example{
string showCurrentTimestamp()
oneway void asynchronousJob()
First you need to create "generated" files using these commands below
thrift --gen php:server Example.thrift
thrift --gen py Example.thrift
Note: You need to comment out the line "include_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/packages/Example/Example_types.php';" from file gen-php/Example/Example.php
- cd server && python
- Call client/PhpClientSocket.php from your browser
- cd server && python
- cd client && python
Note that asynchronous method doesnt work with PHP HTTP Server
- Call client/PhpClientHttp.php from your browser