This is a lie detection model that detects lies from facial, audio, and textual input
Per-frame action unit(AU) and eye gaze vectors are extracted with openFace(
Per-frame MFCCs, speech frequencies are extracted with openSmile(
Eye blinking counting
FER (Facial Emotional Recognition)
Gaze visualizer
MFCC visualizer
Follow the below steps to execute this feature,
- Execute file.
- Install Required modules.
Things to do,
- Change all the paths in code as per your directory.
- Four options are there when you run i)Record audio for training ii)Train Model iii) Record Audio for Testing iv) Test Model(Follow the same order).
- Store your audio recorded for training in training_set and testing audio in testing_set Folder.
- training_set_addition.txt use this file to append trained files and testing_set_addition.txt for appending test files.
We used 60 truth and 61 deceptive videos from the testimonials dataset to train models Videos with both processed MFCC and Action Units(AU) are in the dataset folder.
- MFCC annotated dataset in Wavs and AU annotated dataset in Clips
- For segmented for model training, access processed
The raw dataset can be found here: Datasets labeled and annotated with Openface and Opensmile can be found here:
The MU3D database is also referenced in the model for testing purposes. It is available for download here:
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